片語:Block或Block up,堵塞、堵死
The crowd blocked my way home.
She blocked our view of the game.
My arteries had blocked up.
My nose blocked up.
Policemen blocked up the road.
Block them up and don’t let them enter.
Block up 特殊用法:便祕
This kind of food will block you up!
片語:Block Out,擋住、屏蔽(= block up)
The tree blocks out the sun.
The truck blocked out my view of the road.
片語:Block Out,失憶、故意忘記(= ignore)
She was trying to block out the memories of her bad romances.
片語:Block Out,規劃、草擬大綱(=lay out)
* 把計畫簡化成方塊圖(blocks),一個一個block說明
Fiona will block out the plan for us so we can understand.
Please block out the budget at the board meeting.
片語:Block in,堵死住,比方在停車場被卡住開不出來
I was blocked in by the other cars in the parking lot.
片語:Block in,畫草圖、勾畫輪廓
The rough sketch of the building had been blocked in.
片語:Block off,完完全全擋住
Please use chairs to block off the hallway.
Fence (柵欄),動詞「圍柵欄」
To fence (in) a garden (給花園圍柵欄)
Fence (柵欄),動詞「擊劍」
To learn how to fence (學擊劍)
片語:Fence in,用柵欄圍在裡面、限制自由
The dog was fenced in. (狗被關起來)
I was fenced in at home. (我被關在家裡)
片語:Fence off,用柵欄隔開
We need to fence off the kids from this zone.
This area has been fenced off for other purpose.
片語:Wall in,用牆「圍在裡面」
to wall the garden in
片語:Wall off,「隔開」
to wall off a room
a walled-off area
They walled me off and kept talking.
片語:Wall Up,「堵住」入口,「囚禁」某人
To wall up an entrance (堵住入口)
To wall up the danger of MERS (圍堵MERS危機)
To wall up a woman (囚禁女人)