
J.K. Rowling Speaks at Harvard Commencement, 2008 (1-2)

* 按照順序聽六遍,聽力從0100

一直忽略兩種人的英文,一位是英國人,一位是女人,頭一個想到的就是哈利波特的作者J.K. Rowling

一樣是女性名人,特別喜歡J.K. Rowling,她五年的時間,從英國貧家女變成「逼級(Class B)」富婆(Woman Billionaire),她無私分享自己的歷程,不像歐普拉,老愛講自己不過是一般人,Regular People,聽起來有一種Condescending的感覺,嘴裡卻說自己跟大家一樣,心裡則不一定,更何況,她本來就了不起,何不大方地講

我們花時間聽演講,不是想學習怎麼當Regular People,我們本來就是Regular People

J.K. Rowling的聲音感受到,她的內心是沒有自信的小女孩,但是有自己的想法,能吃苦,聲音特別小、特別脆弱,所以用Goldwave把她的聲音加強三倍!

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Squint at





無意間的,= accidentally;作家用字比較講究,尤其是英國人;這個字是少數副詞的應用多於形容詞的,形容詞Inadvertent很少見








開心、高興,怎麼變成可數的?因為也可以當成開心的事情、令人高興的東西;名畫Garden of Delights,中文可稱為酒池肉林,充滿了Earthy Delights(世俗樂事)



Come out ahead of

J.K. Rowling講出這句話時,嚇我一大跳,立刻上網查她是不是同性戀,居然在哈佛大學花園廣場公開說,她比瑪莉女爵還早一步宣布自己是同性戀,Come out! 後來發現不對,Come out是美國俚語,J.K.是英國人,另外,Come out後面不接任介係詞才叫「出櫃」,原來她是說,她「勝過」瑪莉公爵夫人



Part 1

《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》



《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates.

The first thing I would like to say is “thank you.”

Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary honour, but the weeks of fear and nausea I have endured at the thought of giving this commencement address have made me lose weight - a win-win situation!

Now all I have to do is take deep breaths, squint at the red banners and convince myself that I am at the world’s largest Gryffindor reunion.


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty(教職員), proud parents(自豪的家長), and, above all(最重要的), graduates.

The first thing I would like to say is “thank you.”

Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary(超凡的) honour(榮譽), but the weeks of fear and nausea(恐懼和噁心) I have endured(忍受) at the thought of(想到) giving this commencement address(畢業演講) have made me lose weight - a win-win situation!

Now all I have to do is take deep breaths(深呼吸), squint at(瞥視) the red banners(紅色旗幟) and convince(說服) myself that I am at the world’s largest Gryffindor reunion(葛蘭芬多同學會).


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

Faust校長、哈佛董事會、校務監督委員會、所有的教職員faculty、自豪的家長proud parents,還有最重要的above all,全體畢業生


不僅僅Not only是哈佛給我這樣極高的榮譽extraordinary honour,我自己也but忍受了endured幾個星期的害怕和噁心nausea,因為只要一想到at the thought of要做畢業演說commencement address,就讓我體重下降,真是雙贏啊!

現在,我最需要做的是all I have to do is深呼吸幾口take deep breaths,瞄一眼squint at哈佛紅色旗幟red banners,然後說服convince我自己說,我是在一場全世界最大的葛蘭芬多同學會裡Gryffindor reunion


《聽力挑戰5 中英對照》

President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, members of the faculty(教職員), proud parents(自豪的家長), and, above all(最重要的), graduates.



The first thing I would like to say is “thank you.”



Not only has Harvard given me an extraordinary(超凡的) honour(榮譽), but the weeks of fear and nausea(恐懼和噁心) I have endured(忍受) at the thought of(想到) giving this commencement address(畢業演講) have made me lose weight - a win-win situation!



Now all I have to do is take deep breaths(深呼吸), squint at(瞥視) the red banners(紅色旗幟) and convince(說服) myself that I am at the world’s largest Gryffindor reunion(葛蘭芬多同學會).



《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》



Part 2 

《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》



《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

Delivering a commencement address is a great responsibility, or so I thought until I cast my mind back to my own graduation.

The commencement speaker that day was the distinguished British philosopher Baroness Mary Warnock.

Reflecting on her speech has helped me enormously in writing this one, because it turns out that I can’t remember a single word she said.

This liberating discovery enables me to proceed without any fear that I might inadvertently influence you to abandon promising careers in business, the law or politics for the giddy delights of becoming a gay wizard.

You see? If all you remember in years to come is the “gay wizard” joke, I’ve come out ahead of Baroness Mary Warnock.

Achievable goals – the first step to self-improvement.


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

Delivering(發表) a commencement address is a great responsibility, or so I thought until I cast(拋擲) my mind back to my own graduation.

The commencement speaker that day was the distinguished(著名的) British philosopher(英國哲學家) Baroness(女) Mary Warnock.

Reflecting on(回想) her speech has helped me enormously(龐大地) in writing this one, because it turns out that(其結果是) I can’t remember a single word she said.

This liberating(解放) discovery enables(使能夠) me to proceed(進行) without any fear that I might inadvertently(無心地) influence(影響) you to abandon(放棄) promising careers(大好前途的事業) in business, the law or politics for the giddy(輕挑的) delights(樂事) of becoming a gay wizard(同性戀魔法師).

You see? If all you remember in years to come(未來的幾年) is the “gay wizard” joke, I’ve come out ahead of(勝出) Baroness Mary Warnock.

Achievable(可行的) goals – the first step to self-improvement(自我提升).


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

發表Delivering畢業演說是一項重大責任,所以,我把自己的心思拋回cast back我自己的畢業典禮

那天畢業典禮的主講人是著名distinguished的英國哲學家British philosopher Mary Warnock女Baroness

回憶Reflecting on她的演說對我寫這篇講稿有非常大的enormously幫助,因為,當時最後的結果是it turns out that,她講的話我一個字都不記得

這個令人解脫的liberatin發現,使我能夠enables繼續進行下去proceed,不再害怕自己可能無意地inadvertently影響到influence你們,放棄abandon大好前途的事業promising careers,不管在商業上、法律上或政治上,只為了做輕挑giddy讓自己爽的事delights,跑去當同性戀魔法師gay wizard

看到了吧?如果多年以後in years to come你們記得同性戀魔法師,就代表我超越了come out ahead of Mary Warnock公爵夫人



《聽力挑戰5 中英對照》

Delivering(發表) a commencement address is a great responsibility, (or) so I thought until I cast(拋擲) my mind back to my own graduation.



The commencement speaker that day was the distinguished(著名的) British philosopher(英國哲學家) Baroness(女) Mary Warnock.

那天畢業典禮的主講人是著名的英國哲學家Mary Warnock女


Reflecting on(回想) her speech has helped me enormously(龐大地) in writing this one, because it turns out that(其結果是) I can’t remember a single word she said.



This liberating(解放) discovery enables(使能夠) me to proceed(進行) without any fear that I might inadvertently(無心地) influence(影響) you to abandon(放棄) promising careers(大好前途的事業) in business, the law or politics for the giddy(輕挑的) delights(樂事) of becoming a gay wizard(同性戀魔法師).



You see? If all you remember in years to come(多年以後) is the “gay wizard” joke, I’ve come out ahead of(勝出) Baroness Mary Warnock.

看到了吧?如果多年以後你們記得同性戀魔法師,就代表我超越了Mary Warnock公爵夫人


Achievable(可行的) goals – the first step to self-improvement(自我提升).



《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》


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