【商務動詞】Word, Toil, Tax, Stock, Schedule, Report, Program, Price, Market, Log, Label, Issue, Draft, Contract, Clue, Case, Busy
Word (字詞),動詞「遣詞用字」
a strongly worded letter 用詞強硬的信
a carefully worded letter 用詞小心的信
a vaguely worded letter 用詞曖昧的信
Toil (苦工),動詞「辛苦工作」
Tax (稅金),動詞「課稅」
to tax your brain (絞盡腦汁)
to tax your patience (考驗耐性)
to tax your strength (費盡體力)
to tax my eyes (傷眼力)
Target (目標),動詞「設定目標」、「瞄準」
be targeted on/at something
The program is targeted on teenagers.
The missiles are targeted at ISIS.
Stock (股票、庫存),動詞「進貨」「儲備」
to stock a range of products (庫存一整批貨)
to be stock with medical supplies (堆滿藥材)
Stock up,囤貨:
to stock up the fridge (堆滿冰箱)
to stock up with food (囤積食物)
to stock up on snacks (購買大量零食)
Schedule (行程),動詞「安排進度」
Schedule for後面可以是一個日期,也可以是安排要進行的某件事:
The meeting is scheduled for June 30.
The meeting is scheduled for sales review.
Result (結果、成績),動詞「隨著發生」
Result in 導致
Result from 導因於
Report (報告),動詞「報告、報導、檢舉」
to report a theft to the police (向警方檢舉偷竊)
to report Jim to the manager (向經理告Jim)
to be reported missing (被報失蹤)
Report 加介系詞on,報告、報導某件事:
to report on the progress (報告進度)
to report a theft (向警方據報偷竊)
to report to the manager (向經理報告)
I report to the GM (我直屬於總經理)
Report for duty是報到的專用詞
Program (程式、計畫),動詞「寫程式」
當思想被制約,會無意識地做出某特定行為反應,就像機器人被程式指令寫死了一樣,be programmed。
Price (價錢),動詞「定價」
to price a product
a reasonable priced product
be priced at,價格定在…
I know how to market my idea to people.
I marketed the new product as good for health.
I don’t get to market the new product.
All incoming calls have to be logged.
“Log on” 和 “Log in”都是用來「登入系統」,都需要輸入帳號密碼,但語意上稍稍有一點點不同,Log in只是說明登入這個動作,Log on除了登入,通常花了點時間在裡面:
to log on to the site and learn more.
to log in with your username and password
“Log out” 和 “Log off”都是用來「登出系統」,可互用
She labeled me a loser.
I was labeled as a loser by her.
to issue a statement (發表聲明)
to issue a visa (發放簽證)
to issue a magazine (發行雜誌)
Issue from 流出
Smoke issued from the house. (屋子傳出煙霧)
Smell issued from the mouse. (嘴裡發出味道)
Water issued from the pipe. (水管流出水)
to draft a speech (草擬講稿)
to draft a letter (起草一封信)
to be drafted into the army (被徵召入伍)
to be drafted in as a volunteer (被選中當義工)
to be drafted by a NBA team(【美】被NBA選中)
Contract動詞的另一個意思是「收縮」,收錄在Verb Master進階動詞。
Contract in是簽約外聘,請人來做公司原本沒有的工作,比方找外籍球員打球
Contract out是外包,比方公司把原本的工作外包出去,比如案子接太多,外包一些給人
Clue someone in向人透漏消息,後面可接介係詞on, about, to三種:
Clue in about : 大略透漏
Can you clue me in about Jim?
Clue in on: 針對某件事透漏
Can you clue me in on Jim’s secret?
Clue in to: 方向性的透漏
Can you clue me in to what Jim’s secret of success is?
Case something,裝箱打包,而且是完整緊密扎實的打包,比方a cased glass,不是裝箱好的玻璃,而是工藝品「套色玻璃」,玻璃內外被顏料所覆蓋。
Busy oneself有兩種使用方式:
She busied herself with her wedding.
She busied herself finding a husband.