【金錢動詞】Tip (給小費、透漏、傾斜、加尖頭)
神明向小英「透漏(tip off)」玄機,「武則天坐天」,台灣將出女總統,蘋果日報日前卻「透漏(tip off)」,洪秀柱支持度破50%遠勝蔡英文近一倍,不論如何,2016年出女總統似乎是全民「可望 - be tipped」:
They were tipped as Taiwan first female President.
今天主題 Tip:
動詞「給小費」- tip someone
I tipped the waitress $1 for her poor service.
動詞「可望成為」- be tipped as...
當某人被tipped as something,表示他「極有可能」成為something:
He was tipped to become a future champion.
Hillary was tipped as first female President of the US.
動詞「傾斜」= tip up
to tip the head to the side (把頭斜一邊)
to tip the hat (把帽子往前拉一點、點帽致意)
to tip the chair back on its rear legs (把椅子往後斜倒)
to tip pills out of a bottle. (把藥從瓶子裡倒出來)
gold-tipped nails (金色指甲尖)
silver-tipped walking stick (銀頭拐杖)
成語:Tip the Balance, Tip the Scales
Three more votes will tip the balance in favor of me.
片語 Tip Off,通風報信、洩漏消息
She tipped off the cops about my whereabouts.
She tipped me off about how to get the job done.
片語 Tip Off,籃球開球
The basketball game tips off at 7.
片語 Tip Over,翻倒、弄翻
A man tips over. (人翻倒)
A car tips over. (翻車)
Tip over a boat. (弄翻船)
Tip over a drawer. (弄翻櫃子)
Tip over the Leaning Tower of Pisa (弄翻比薩斜塔)
片語 Tip Up, 傾斜
Tip up a wheelbarrow and dump garbage
Tip up the bottle and pour beer