2014年美國影集Silicon Valley(矽谷),五個年輕人夢想自己是下一個賈伯斯:
"We fancy ourselves as next Steve Jobs."
Fancy, 動詞,想像,美國習慣用imagine
【英】Fancy that! What if you become a billionaire?
【美】Imagine that! What if you become a billionaire?
Fancy, 動詞,喜歡,美語是Feel Like
【英】Do you fancy a stiff drink?
【美】Do you feel like a shot of liquor?
【英】Do you fancy a pint?
【美】Do you feel like a beer?
常用詞:Fancy Someone, 喜歡某人,美國用be attracted to someone
【英】Do you fancy her?
【美】Are you attracted to her?
常用詞:Fancy yourself,自戀,美國用think highly of yourself
【英】He fancies himself as another Takeshi.
【美】He thinks highly of himself as another Takeshi.
常用詞:Fancy the Chances,看好,比方比賽時"看好哪隻球隊"
【英】He fancies his chances of going out with her.
【美】He is positive about the chances of going out with her.