You guys really put me on the spot.
(你們這些傢伙真讓我為難 – 侏儸紀世界2015)
常用詞:Spot something,發現、辨識、觀察
* Spot的發現和Find的發現不同,Spot專門用在發現不容易找到的東西
We spotted a police car right behind us.
Perverts are sometimes not easy to spot.
The doctor spotted the symptoms of his skin cancer.
We’re here doing a bit of talent-spotting.
Wei-Yin Chen was spotted by a talent scout.
* talent scout俗稱伯樂
常用詞:be spotted by something,表面被某東西遮蓋
* be spotted通常是被零星的東西給覆蓋,特別是污漬
The windshield was spotted with rain.
It is still spotting with rain.
Your report was spotted with a few errors.
常用詞:Spot someone something
* Spare是求別人施捨,不會還,Spot是光明正大跟人家要,可能會還
* Spot在運動比賽給對手的是讓分,不用還,正式用語是handicaps
Can you spot me some protein money?
I’m gonna spot you 18 shots and I still will win.
(我讓你十八桿,我還是會贏 – 高爾夫)
∂ 某個特定地點的Spot
I found a nice spot for picnic.
This is the exact spot where General Xiang killed himself.
∂ 斑點的Spot
a white cat with brown spots
spots of color on her cheeks
damp spots on the wall
spots of blood on the floor
∂ 短時間的Spot
They gave me 5-minute spot before the interview.
常用片語:On the Spot有三種意思
∂ 在現場
Both of us were on the spot when the accident happened.
Our reports on the spot will report the progress live.
∂ 處於困境
Troubles keep coming up and I’m on the spot here.
∂ 馬上、當場、當下
* on-the-spot是形容詞,The doctor gave me an on-the-spot treatment. (醫生當場就給我治療)
They hired me on the spot.
Jim said yes on the spot.
常用諺語:Put someone on the spot,讓人為難
Your request really put me on the spot.
常用諺語:Change your spots,改變立場、改變性格
* 典故來自豹的斑點(Spots),豹的斑點是不能改變的
You can’t change your spots.
Taiwan’s business has changed its spots in recent years.
常用諺語:Hit the spot,恰到好處、正重要害
常用詞:Dark Spot,汙點、不良紀錄
I have a dark spot in the past
常用詞:Soft Spot,心軟、軟肋
* 通常用have a soft spot for someone,不管對方對你怎麼不好,一見面就心軟,或者見到流浪狗起同情心餵牠吃肯德基
I always have a soft spot for you in my heart.
I have a soft spot for stray dogs.
常用詞:Tight Spot,困境、窘境
Don’t put yourself in a tight spot.
常用詞:Bright Spot,亮點、慶幸的事
* Bright Spot通常用在一連串倒楣之後,唯一值得高興的事,類似Silver Lining
The only bright spot for today was the McDonald’s.
常用詞:Blind Spot,盲點
I have a blind spot where fashion is concerned.
常用詞:Spot Check,重點檢查
* 實施重點檢查可用carry out – carry out a spot check
* 重點檢查什麼項目用介係詞on – spot check on quality
* 也可以把Spot Check當動詞用 – We spot check everyone’s work.
常用詞:Hot Spot 或 Hotspot
常用詞:G-Spot, G點、關鍵點
* 女性性奮點,位於陰道口約兩吋靠膀胱處
* 口語搔到癢處:Hit the G-spot
I think I hit my G-spot in my ear.