
You screw me, I screw you back. I’m a lady like that.

「你搞我,我就搞你回去,我就是這樣的女人」,卡麥隆狄亞茲2014年電影「婦仇者聯盟(The Other Woman)」名言。大老婆Kate抓到老公Mark外遇,找小三Carly算帳,發現老公還有小四Amber,於是三個女人展開報復行動。Mark發現不對勁,找Carly談判。

Screw是禁忌動詞,同義字共九個,除了F-Word,按常見度:Lay, Score, Do, Bone, Bang, Hump, Shag,用法各有不同,「那些年,我們一起追的女孩」用到其中的Bone,原因在內容裡。



Screw something into/onto/to …
Please screw the photo frame to the wall.
Screw the cap back onto your hip flask.
* hip flask,扁平酒瓶,可放進屁股口袋方便攜帶


動詞片語:Screw over someone,欺負人
He tends to screw people over while making himself look like a victim.

screw over  

動詞片語:Screw someone for/out of …,騙取
Uncle Sam screws you out of everything. That’s the fact.
(美國政府會騙光你的錢,這就是事實 – 刺激1995)

screw money  

諺語:Have one’s head screwed on
I have got my head screwed on. You can’t screw me.

screw head on    


禁忌動詞:Screw someone,發生性關係
How dare you screw my daughter!
How can you screw your mom’s apple pie?
(你怎可以上了你媽媽的蘋果派? 美國派 1999)

screw pie  

禁忌詞:Screw you,去你的

screw you  

禁忌詞:Screw it,管他去死、算了
Screw it. I’m out.

screw it  

禁忌詞:Screw the arm,肢體動作「去你的!」
A man screws his arm and cries out, “Up yours!”

screw arm  

禁忌動詞:Screw around
Elephants always screw around on the job.

screw around  

If you screw it up, you’re screwed.
I’m screwed.


【Screw Up專論】
Screw up是動詞Screw最常用片語:

動詞片語:Screw up,扭、擰、揉(毛巾、紙等)
He screwed up my letter into a ball.

screw up paper  

常用詞:Screw up the eyes,瞇眼睛

screw up eyes  

常用詞:Screw up the face,扭曲臉
Jacky Chan screws up his face trying to explain his affair.

screw up face  

常用詞:Screw up something,搞砸事情
Sorry, I screwed up.

screw up thing  

常用詞:Screw up someone,擊垮(精神上)
It really screwed her up when her happy ending came to an end.

screw up her    

常用詞:Screw up the courage,鼓起勇氣
Screw up your courage and take it like a man!

screw up courage  


Fasten the screw with a battery-powered screw driver. 

screw driver  

常用詞:Have a Screw Loose
Some people not just have a screw loose. They are missing the whole toolbox.

screw loose  

片語:Put the screws on someone
He told me everything when I put the screws on him.

screw put  

專有詞:A Good Screw
Grey is a good screw, a master of sex.

screw good  


δ Fuck
* Fuck大該是英語的入門字,人人都懂,但是Fuck在應用上很少跟嘿咻扯上關係
I fucked her brain out for 11 seconds. – Wolf of the Wall Street (2013)
(我讓她欲仙欲死11秒鐘 – 華爾街之狼, 2013)

screw fuck    

δ Screw
* Screw,轉螺絲,引申為做那回事
You screw me. I’ll screw you back.

screw screw  

δ Get Laid
* Lay,躺,Get Laid,被動躺下來,Lay someone較少用
Now here’s the deal: we all get laid before graduate. – American Pie (1999)
(我們就這麼約定:畢業以前我們都必須嘿咻到 – 美國派, 1999)

screw laid  

δ Score
* 得分、達陣
Sherman meets a chick for one night and scores?
* 美國派的Sherman自號Shermanator(雪門終結者),精裝版性機器,派來改變一個女孩子的未來。

screw score  

δ Do
* Do me,搞我,很多英文歌詞很露骨,大家聽得若無其事,比方王子的Do Me Baby,但是如果改成中文版,恐怕能接受的人不多
Do me, baby. Like you never done before.
(寶貝搞我,就像從來沒做過 – 王子 1986)

screw do  

δ Bone
* 勃起的陽具俗稱Boner,因為像骨頭,中文稱「搭帳棚」,英文Get a boner
When we were young, we were thinking a lot about boning someone.
(我們年輕的時候,一天到晚都在想那個那個 – 那些年我們一起追的女孩)

screw bone  

δ Bang
* 重擊,而且乒乓發出很大聲音,在性方方面是對女性非常不尊重的字眼
Things aren’t gonna snap back unless I bang her. – Hitch(2005)
(一切無法回到從前,除非我上了她 – 全民情聖 2005)
* 威爾史密斯在Hitch裡是戀愛顧問,Vance以為Hitch專門幫人搞定女人,被Hitch回絕

screw bang  

δ Hump
* 小狗發情時抱著主人的腳「拱起背部(hump)」拼命頂,這個動作就叫做Humping
* 黑眼豆豆有首舞曲叫My Humps,美國稱為有史以來最低俗的歌曲,內容很多置入性行銷,而My Humps(我的駝峰)是奶子和屁股,所以下次哼My humps My humps My humps時,要謹慎...
My dog is humping me and it’s awkward.

screw hump    

δ Shag
* Shag是英國專用的,王牌大間諜出現17次Shag,成功率0
My God, Vanessa's got a smashing body. I bet she shags like a minx. – Austin Powers (1997)
(天啊,Vanessa的身材真棒,她一定跟騷婆娘一樣天天嘿咻 – 王牌大間諜1997)
* Minx,騷婆娘,過時用語,因為Austin Powers是二次大戰的人,講話用古語

screw shag  









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