
Be In This Moment (7), Dick Costolo 

這一分鐘,是Twitter總裁Dick Costolo這次演講的精髓,值得多聽幾次

( 講話速度特別快的地方,通常是常用英文,聽力盲點,要特別注意)




【聽力挑戰2 英文原文】

Here’s the challenge. So far, you guys have gotten where you are by meeting and exceeding expectations. You are awesome. You have excelled. Look at you. You looked like an amazing, giant choir. But from here on out, you have to switch gears. You are no longer meeting and exceeding expectations. There are no expectations. There’s no script. When you’re doing what you love to do, you become resilient because that’s the habit you create for yourself. You create a habit of taking chances on yourself and making bold choices in service to doing what you love. If, on the other hand, you do what you think is expected of you or what you are supposed to do, and things go poorly or chaos ensues as it surely will, you will look to external sources for what to do next because that will be the habit you’ve created for yourself. You’ll be standing there frozen on the stage of your own life. If you’re just filling a role, you will be blind-sided.



【聽力挑戰3 英文加中文提示】

Here’s the challenge(挑戰). So far(目前為止), you guys have gotten where you are by meeting and exceeding expectations(達到或超過預期). You are awesome(了不起). You have excelled(卓越、超過大多數人). Look at you. You looked like an amazing, giant choir(合唱團). But from here on out(從今以後), you have to switch gears(換檔、改弦易轍). You are no longer meeting and exceeding expectations. There are no expectations. There’s no script(劇本). When you’re doing what you love to do, you become resilient(有彈性、有韌性、適應力強) because that’s the habit(習慣) you create for yourself. You create a habit of taking chances on yourself(用自己當賭注來冒險) and making bold choices (做大膽的選擇) in service to(用來) doing what you love. If, on the other hand(反過來說), you do what you think is expected of you(被期許的) or what you are supposed to do(應該做的), and things go poorly(事情不順利) or chaos ensues(混亂發生) as it surely will, you will look to(尋求) external sources(外部資源、別人幫助) for what to do next because that will be the habit you’ve created for yourself. You’ll be standing there frozen (凍住、呆若木雞) on the stage of your own life(人生的舞台). If you’re just filling a role(扮好某個角色、守自己本分), you will be blind-sided(開車被撞到視覺死角、看不清事實、死得不明不白).



【聽力挑戰4 中譯加英文提示】

現在講(人生的)挑戰,目前為止,你們的成就(gotten where you’re)來自於達到預期或者超越期待(expectations),很了不起(awesome),你們超越了大多數人(excel)


現在看看自己,你們就像傑出、龐大的合唱團(choir),但是從今以後(from here on out),你們必須改變思維(switch gears)






你們養成習慣於拿自己當賭注(take chance on yourself),做大膽的選擇(make bold choices),以便用來(in service to)做自己喜歡的事情。


反過來說,如果你們只是做大家期許,或者只是做自己應該做的事,若事情進行不順利(go poorly),或者接著一團亂(chaos ensues),這種事一定會發生的,你們會向外界尋求援助(look for external sources),以便繼續進行下一階段工作,這種習慣,也是你們自己養成的。


(若養成這種習慣)你們在人生的舞台上(遇到困難),會不知所措(stand there frozen)


如果你們(的態度)只是演好自己守自己的本分(filling a role),你們會看不見真實情況而死得不明不白(be blind-sided)



【聽力挑戰5 分段中英對照】

Here’s the challenge. So far, you guys have gotten where you are by meeting and exceeding expectations. You are awesome. You have excelled.

現在講(人生的)挑戰,目前為止,你們的成就(gotten where you’re)來自於達到預期或者超越期待,很了不起,你們超越了大多數人(excel)


Look at you. You looked like an amazing, giant choir. But from here on out, you have to switch gears.

現在看看自己,你們就像傑出、龐大的合唱團(choir),但是從今以後(from here on out),你們必須改變思維(switch gears)


You are no longer meeting and exceeding expectations. There are no expectations. There’s no script.



When you’re doing what you love to do, you become resilient because that’s the habit you create for yourself.



You create a habit of taking chances on yourself and making bold choices in service to doing what you love.

你們養成習慣於拿自己當賭注(take chance on yourself),做大膽的選擇(make bold choices),以便用來(in service to)做自己喜歡的事情。


If, on the other hand, you do what you think is expected of you or what you are supposed to do, and things go poorly or chaos ensues as it surely will, you will look to external sources for what to do next because that will be the habit you’ve created for yourself.

反過來說,如果你們只是完成大家期許,或者只是做自己應該做的事,若事情進行不順利(go poorly),或者接著一團亂(chaos ensues),這種事一定會發生的,你們會向外界尋求援助(look for external sources),以便繼續進行下一階段工作,這種習慣,也是你們自己養成的。


You’ll be standing there frozen on the stage of your own life.

(若養成這種習慣)你們在人生的舞台上(遇到困難),會不知所措(stand there frozen)


If you’re just filling a role, you will be blind-sided.

如果你們(的態度)只是演好自己、守自己的本分(filling a role),你們將會看不見真實情況而死得不明不白(be blind-sided)



【聽力挑戰6 無字天書】



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