Facing Fear Bravely(4-6) - Tom Hanks 2011
Part 6比較困難一點,大陸的出版社翻譯亂七八糟,很不負責任,這段要聽懂,建議看Tom Hanks的表情和手部動作,我盡量還原Tom Hanks的本意,有錯誤的地方,歡迎大家指正
【Part 4】
You know I once had a friend, who had a rich uncle, who promised to pay for his college, as long as my friend wished to stay in school.
“You should stay in school, as long as you can,” the rich uncle said, “because when you get out of college, you got to work every day for the rest of your life.”
And you all will come to understand(就會明白) what that rich uncle meant, just as surely you will someday wonder(納悶) where the hell(該死的) you put your reading glasses(老花眼鏡), and to yell at(吼叫) your own kids to turn the damn(他媽的) music down.
我曾經有一個朋友,他有個有錢的叔叔,叔叔承諾只要as long as我的朋友讀書stay in school,他對付他大學的學費pay for his college
你們以後就會明白come to understand那位有錢叔叔的意思,就像有一天你們會納悶wonder,我把那該死的the hell老花眼鏡reading glasses放在哪裡,然後對孩子們吼叫yell at,把該死的damn音樂關小聲一點turn down
You know I once had a friend, who had a rich uncle, who promised to pay for his college, as long as my friend wished to stay in school.
“You should stay in school, as long as you can,” the rich uncle said, “because when you get out of college, you got to work every day for the rest of your life.”
And you all will come to understand what that rich uncle meant, just as surely you will someday wonder where the hell you put your reading glasses, and to yell at your own kids to turn the damn music down.
【Part 5】
On spring days, like today, it’s traditional for us to ponder(沉思) the state of the world(世界現狀) and implore(懇求) you all to help make it a better place, which implies(意味著) that things are somehow(不知怎地) worse today than when we up here are where you are sitting right now.
I’m not so sure that planet earth(地球這塊土地) is in worse shape(更糟糕的狀況) than it was 30, no, 18, no 4 years ago.
But that’s not to say it’s in better shape(更好的狀況) either, refraining from(克制不要去…) waxing(逐漸滿盈的) nostalgia(懷舊) and comparing our then to your now, and avoiding(避開) the any talk of you kids these days with your rap(繞舌說唱) and your hip hop(街舞嘻哈) and your snoop-dogg(史努比) daddies with the ditty(小曲) pops(熱門音樂), with your 50 Cents, and your quarter cents(25分錢).
像今天這樣的春天spring days,我們傳統上traditional要沉思ponder世界現狀state of the world,懇求implore大家把世界變得更好make it a better place,這就意味著implies如今世界不知怎地somehow變得比現在在座各位的地方更糟糕
我不敢肯定說我們地球這塊土地planet earth比30年前更糟糕in worse shape,不對,是18年,不對,是4年前
但我也沒說地球變得更好in better shape,克制自己refraining from不要滿盈著waxing懷舊nostalgia,不去比較我們當時和你們的現在,不提avoiding你們現在這些孩子的Rap, 嘻哈hip hop,也不提avoiding你們哼著熱門pops小曲ditty的史努比snoop-dogg老爹,不提avoiding你們的50 Cents,也不提avoiding你們身上只有25分錢quarter cents
On spring days, like today, it’s traditional for us to ponder the state of the world and implore you all to help make it a better place, which implies that things are somehow worse today than when we up here are where you are sitting right now.
I’m not so sure that planet earth is in worse shape than it was 30, no, 18, no 4 years ago.
But that’s not to say it’s in better shape either, refraining from waxing nostalgia and comparing our then to your now, and avoiding the any talk of you kids these days with your rap and your hip hop and your snoop-dog daddies with the ditty pops, with your 50 Cents, and your quarter cents.
【Part 6】
A sober(清醒的) look shows that just the world has gotten to be(一定) a better place after all(終究).
It is also grown a bit worse(變得更糟) at the exact same rate(用相同的速度).
A one step up, one step back. (往上進一步,往後退一步)
Sort of(有點) cosmic(宇宙的) balance(平衡) between forward progress(向前進步) and cultural retreat(文化退步) that puts mankind(人類) on a bell curve(在鐘形曲線上) of existence(生存) that shows a small segment(段落) of joy, ease(悠閒), and comfort(舒適) on equal proportion(等比例) struggle-on(掙扎), with little hope in the fortunes of(…的命運) the remainder(殘餘); either on the rise or on the wane(衰退當中) in this confounding(混雜的、雜亂的) tide of so many damn things that we grow oblivious(遺忘) to the shifts(變遷) in the quality of our lives.
Graduation day is a proper occasion(合適的場合) to put a toe in the global waters(投石問路) and I think the mercury(水銀溫度計) shows that things are much as they always have seen.
用清醒的sober頭腦看,這世界終究after all一定gotten to be會變得更好
但也用相同的速度at the exact same rate變得更糟一點
往上進一步,往後退一步A one step up, one step back
有點像Sort of向前進步forward progress則文化退步cultural retreat之間的宇宙cosmic平衡balance,把人類mankind放在生活和生存existence的鐘形曲線之上on a bell curve,曲線上(左邊)的小段落segment上有喜悅、有悠閒ease、有舒適comfort,(曲線最右邊小段落)有同比例on equal proportion的掙扎struggle-on,然後把小小希望寄託在剩下(曲線中間的)部分reminder的命運fortunes,不管你是在向上提升on the rise(的曲線上),還是在向下沉淪on the wane(的曲線上),在這紛亂的confounding上下曲線坡浪下(tide),許多該死的damn東西被遺忘oblivious,遺忘在我們(追求)生活品質之中
畢業這一天是非常好的時機proper occasion向這個世界投石問路put a toe in the global waters,我相信溫度計mercury上會顯示,情況還是一如以往
A sober look shows that just the world has gotten to be a better place after all.
It is also grown a bit worse at the exact same rate.
A one step up, one step back.
Sort of cosmic balance between forward progress and cultural retreat that puts mankind on a bell curve of existence that shows a small segment of joy, ease, and comfort on equal proportion struggle-on, with little hope in the fortunes of the reminder; either on the rise or on the wane in this confounding tide of so many damn things that we grow oblivious to the shifts in the quality of our lives.
Graduation day is a proper occasion to put a toe in the global waters and I think the mercury shows that things are much as they always have seen.
Sort of cosmic balance between forward progress and cultural retreat that puts mankind on a bell curve of existence that shows a small segment of joy, ease, and comfort on equal proportion struggle-on, with little hope in the fortunes of the reminder; either on the rise or on the wane in this confounding tide of so many damn things that we grow oblivious to the shifts in the quality of our lives
Tom Hanks本意: