【外在動詞】Round - 數字專論
Round up, Round down, Round to, Round off to
Round down,無條件捨去(讓數字接近0)
Round down 383.83 to an integer = 383
Round down 383.38 to the 10th digit = 383.3
Round down 383 to the hundred = 300
Round up, 無條件進位(讓數字遠離0)
Round up 131.131 to two decimal places = 131.131(無條件進位到小數點第二位)
Round up 131.131 to the nearest ten = 132
Round up -131.131 to zero decimal places = -139 (無條件進位到整數)
Round up -131.131 to the nearest hundred = -200
注意:如果是負數,round up是更大的負數,遠離0
Round to,四捨五入
Round 289 to the nearest hundred = 300
Round 1.64 to the nearest tenth = 1.6
Round 3.54 to the nearest integer = 4
Round off to是通稱,把數字簡化,涵蓋round down/up/to,一般用四捨五入,等於Round to
Round off your weight and run it to the nearest pound.
Round off 131.1313 to the thousandth digit = Round down to 131.131.
Round off 131.135 to the hundredth digit =
Round up to 131.14.