Round (圓),「兜圈子」
to round the table (繞著桌子走)
to round the corner (拐彎、進轉角)
Round (圓),「變圓、弄圓」
Her eyes rounded in anger. (雙目憤怒圓睜)
The stones were rounded by waves. (石頭沖刷成圓形)
Round (圓),「四捨五入」
Round π to 3.14. (把pi四捨五入成3.14)
Round down,無條件捨去(讓數字接近0)
Round up,「集結」,把人或動物集結起來
to round up the students (集結學生)
to round up the cattle (趕牛群)
Round up,「圍捕」,警察圍捕歹徒
to be rounded up and killed (圍剿)
Round up,「無條件進位」,讓數字遠離0
to round the number up (把數字進位)
Round off,「圓滿結束」
to round the meal off with a pudding (用布丁圓滿結束一餐)
Round off,「磨圓」
to round off the sharp edges (磨平銳角)
Round off,「四捨五入」
to round 0.49 off to 0 (0.49四捨五入為0)
Round off,「翻跟斗」,Roundoff back tuck「後空翻」
Round on,突然轉身對人斥罵
Round out, 使更加圓滿、更加完整,和Round off差不多意思,Round out比Round off更加強調"完整、圓滿"