Clean, Long, Narrow, Shape, Slim, Style, Surface, Thin, Tidy

Clean (乾淨),動詞「打掃」、「清潔」
Clean down,介係詞down是加強語氣。

clean down  
Clean one’s plate,吃完自己的飯菜

clean the plate  

Clean out本意是把房子打掃得乾乾淨淨,後來引申為宰肥羊削凱子:
I was cleaned out by a young girl.

clean out  

Clean up,收拾乾淨:
to clean up a place (打掃收拾)
to clean up a job (完成工作)
to clean up the image (改善形象)
to clean up one’s act (改進行為)
to clean up in business (做生意發財)
to clean up the game (比賽全面獲勝)
to clean up a city (掃除犯罪、整頓城市)

clean up  

Clean up after,善後:
to clean up after someone (幫人善後)
to clean up after your dog (清理狗大便)
to clean up after yourself (個人造孽個人擔)

clean up after  

Long (長的),動詞「渴望」:
I long to see her again.
I long for the chance to see her again.

lobg for  

Narrow (窄的),動詞「縮小」:
narrow the eyes (瞇眼睛)
the chance is narrowing (機會越來越小)

narrow eyes  

Narrow down,縮小範圍,Narrow down to,把範圍縮小到:
narrow down the list of guests (把訪客名單數減少)
narrow the list down to 10 (把數目縮減到十)

narrow down  

Shape (形狀),動詞「塑造、成型」
to shape a clay into a pot 
to shape the suit to fit the body
to shape a plan
My childhood was shaped by good education.

shape into  

Shape up,「循規蹈矩」
You’d better shape up.
Shape up or ship out!

shape up or ship out  

Shape up,「塑身」
She spent $10,000 to shape up.

shape up for summer  

Shape up,「發展」
The plan is shaping up nicely.
He is shaping up a great man.
It is shaping up into a big disaster.
It has been shaping up as a major issue.

shape up  

Size (尺寸),動詞「按大小排列」
to be sized from small to large
to be sized in centimeter

size from  

size sth  

Size up,「估計大小」,up加強用,可省略
to size up my waist with a measuring tape

size up waist  

Size up,「估計情勢」
to size up a situation (估計情勢)

size up situation  

Size up,「打量某人」
to size myself up in the mirror

size up someone  

size up  

Slim (苗條),動詞「瘦身、減肥」
to slim down a bit (減一點肥)
to slim down my hips (減屁股)
to slim down the organization (縮小公司規模)

slim down  

Style (風格),動詞「特別設計」「特別命名」
to style the hair (做頭髮造型)
to style himself “The King” (自稱「大王」)


Surface (表面),動詞「浮出表面」「浮現」
to surface from the water (浮出水面)
to surface a scandal (公開醜聞)

surface sth  

Thin (薄的),動詞「變少、變稀薄、變稀疏」,可以配合介係詞Out加強語氣:

thin out  
The war had thinned the ranks (戰爭讓人口變少)
* Thin the ranks是成語,因為某外力因素造成人口或人員的減少,比方戰爭、疾病、裁員等。

thin ranks  

主詞可在Thin (out)之前或之後,但是意思不同
I’m thinning out my hair (打薄頭髮)
My hair is thinning out (頭髮越來越少)

thining out  

Thin配合介係詞down,稀釋,通常是加水稀釋,等於water down:
to thin down the whisky a bit (加點水稀釋威士忌)
to thin down the blood (降低血液濃度)
to think down the staff (減少工作人員)

thin down  

Tidy (整齊的),動詞「整理、收拾」,通常後面用介係詞Up加強語氣:
to tidy up your room (收拾房間)

Tidy up after someone,幫人收拾、擦屁股
Don’t expect me to tidy up after you.

 tidy up  

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