Step (腳步),動詞「踏步」,如 Step back 後退,Step down 往下走,Step forward 往前走,Step into 走進去,等等。
** Step 片語大全 **
Step in (to),介入
to step in to a room (走進房間)
to step in to a problem (介入問題)
to step in to solve a problem (介入解決問題)
Step into,進入、從事、干涉
to step into the mud (踩進泥巴)
to step into a car (進車子裡)
to step into a dispute (介入爭議)
to step into the case (處理這件事)
Step into someone’s shoes,取而代之
No one can step into your shoes.
Step into the breach,挺身而出,特別是當人家無能為力的時候仗義相助:
MacGyver stepped into the breach to help with me.
Step up,加速、增加
to step up the pace (加快腳步)
to step up the speed (加快速度)
to step up the security (增加保安)
Business is stepping up (業務增加當中)
Step up to the plate,站上本壘板準備打擊,準備開始行動
Time to step up to the plate and deal with it.
Ichiro is stepping up to the plate.
電影"Step up(舞力全開)",就是Step up to the plate,勇敢站出來表現自我
Step out,動詞「走出」「走出」,搭配介係詞for, of, on , with,各有不同的意思:
to step out for a cigarette (出去抽菸)
to step out of the room (走出房間)
to step out of a race (退出比賽)
to step out on my wife (對老婆不忠)
to step out with a girl (跟女孩子約會)
Step down,辭職下台
The President will step down.
He will step down as a president.
He will step down from the presidency.
Step on,踏在上面、踐踏
Step on one’s toes,觸怒某人:
Don’t step on her toes – she is easily offended.
Step on it,Step on the gas 加油門、加把勁
You had better step on it. She is coming back.