Bucket (水桶),動詞「傾盆大雨」或「一路顛簸」,傾盆大雨比較容易理解,一路顛箥?
前一陣子流行名人潑冰水,Bucket down cold water,猶如「傾盆大雨」
提水桶快走,裡面的水搖搖晃晃,一路上Bucket along的「顛箥」,就像在凹凸不平的路上開快車
Box (箱子),動詞「裝箱」、「加框」、「拳擊」
to box your clothes and store them up
to box the picture with Tifanny photo frame
to box a punch bag
片語 Box in
My car was boxed in by two other cars.
I feel boxed-in in this office.
片語 Box off
Bottle (瓶子),動詞「裝瓶」,介係詞up加強語氣
to drink bottled water
to bottle up emotions/feelings/anger
The traffic was bottled up in a bottleneck.
片語 Bottle out
英式英語,怯場、臨陣退縮(= chicken out),自信心像瓶裝水狂瀉一地
Bowl (碗),動詞「滾動」、「迅速平滑移動」
to bowl the ball down the lane
to bowl a strike
to bowl a tire
片語Bowl over
深圳寶安機場2015年3月1日,一名年輕女子在車上和男友鬧情緒,高速失控撞飛(bowl over)32名站在領航高速看飛機起降路人,死傷慘重,女子下車救人跌落高架橋身亡
A red Mercedes bowled over 32 pedestrians.
I was bowled over by this accident.
Can (罐頭),動詞「裝罐」或「解雇、拒絕」
Can the food with salt. (用鹽醃後裝罐)
Canned food (罐裝食品)
Canned laughter (罐頭笑聲)
Cant it! 住嘴!
Canned 酒醉
He is half-canned and is too canned to drive.