封面人物:比爾蓋茲如何用Worry About和Worry Over
Bill Gates worried about the super AI.
(比爾蓋茲擔心超級人工智慧 – 比爾蓋茲在Jan 28, 2015 發表)
Bill Gates worried over Pakistan attacks on the polio teams.
(比爾蓋茲憂心巴基斯坦在許多城市對小兒麻痺防疫團隊的攻擊 – 比爾蓋茲Jan 23, 2014發表)
Worry Over「憂心」,比Worry About的「擔心」大一點、深入一點、想得多一點,從比爾蓋茲的表情可以看出來。
片語:Worry About, Be Worried About,動詞「擔心」
I worry about my weight.
(我擔心我的體重 – 體重快超標)
I’m worried about my weight.
(我的體重讓我很擔心 – 體重已經超標)
常用詞:Worry Someone
Worry someone,可以是擔心這個人,也可能是讓這個人擔心,要看上下文:
I will worry my parents if I tell them I lost my job
I worry my parents – they are old.
常用詞:worry yourself,自尋煩惱、庸人自擾
You are worrying yourself.
常用詞:worried sick,擔心得要命
I was worried sick.
常用詞:getting worried,越來越擔心
I was getting worried.
常用詞:had someone worried,白擔心一場
You had me worried for a moment there, Mei.
片語:Worry something或Worry at something,不是「擔心」,而是不斷地「撕扯(骨頭)、追打(敵人)、糾結鑽研(問題)」,話說回來,骨頭、敵人、問題,都因此而「很擔心」被「撕扯、追打、糾結」
The cat was worrying (at) a mouth.
The squirrel was worrying (at) a nut.
The dog was worrying (at) a bone.
Worry (at) the sheep – 追逐攻擊羊群
The wolves were worrying (at) the sheep.
Worry (at) a sheep – 不斷追打一艘船
They are worrying (at) a pirate ship.
Worry(at) a teeth – 緊張地拔牙齒
The kid is nervously worrying (at) a loosen tooth.
Worry (at) a problem – 不斷鑽研一個問題、糾結、死纏爛打
Dr. Indiana Jones has been worrying the problem for three decades.
常用詞:Whether that/when/whether...
第一,Worry someone,「擔心某人」或「令某人擔心」,前面已經介紹過
第二,Worry something,不斷地「啃咬」「追打」「鑽研」,前面也介紹過
第三,Worry後面接關係子句,Worry that …, Worry when …, Worry whether…,擔心…、擔心到時候會…、擔心會不會…
I worry that she might break up with me.
I worry where she would break up with me.
I worry when she will break up with me.