Ease,易,有三層意義,瀟灑(with ease)、輕鬆(at ease)、簡單(ease of use),三個代表人物:諸葛亮、莊子、賈伯斯
諸葛亮 with ease,羽扇綸巾,談笑間強虜灰飛煙滅
莊子 at ease,御風而行,隨心之所至
賈伯斯 ease of use,簡單科技,八歲到八十歲都會用
With Ease – 輕鬆容易、不費吹灰之力
很多非文學類書名喜歡用「輕鬆XXX」,輕鬆背單字、輕鬆賺大錢、輕鬆做大餐... 琳瑯滿目,不管真假,英文都是「... With Ease」
He passed the test with ease.
At Ease – 心情輕鬆、【軍】稍息
I feel at ease with you.
Ease of something – 簡單好用
The purpose of iPhone is for ease of use.
(iPhone的宗旨就是簡單好用 - Steve Jobs)
片語:Ease off/up (on someone/something),減輕、緩和
I’m waiting for the traffic to ease off.
Ease off on me. I had had enough bad day.
Ease up on your beer.
片語:Ease out (of something),悄然離開
She eased out of the party.
The scandal eased the president out.
ease the pain 減輕痛苦
ease the burden 減輕負擔
ease the stress/strain/pressure/tension 降低壓力
ease the requirements 降低要求
ease the work/job,讓工作更簡單方便
ease the way through the crowd
ease myself into a sofa
ease the car into a small space
常用詞:Ease your mind,放輕鬆