封面故事:The Karate Kid (小子難纏1984)
Sucking at something is the first step towards being good at something.
瘦弱的丹尼爾,在來自琉球的園丁宮田指導下,成為空手道高手,從學習的過程中,丹尼爾領悟出更重要的東西,無欲無私,是邁向成功的一股傻勁。電影配樂:Glory of Love,歌詞與劇情相輝映。
Suck,爛,Suck at,某方面很爛、很不在行,成功的第一步就是要Suck!
∂ 吸東西:Suck at
吸奶:The baby sucked at its mom’s breast.
∂ 吸進去:Suck in
吸菸:He sucked in the smoke.
∂ 吸上來:Suck up
用吸管吸:She sucked up the milkshake with a straw
∂ 舔姆指:Suck the thumb
∂ 舔棒棒糖:Suck (on) a lollipop
∂ 小鳥被捲入飛機引擎
More than 200 birds were sucked into one of the engines.
∂ 人被捲進河裡
The river sucked the tourists under.
∂ 抽取(內力、體液):吸星大法或北冥神功
Master Zen sucks the magic power out of Ling-hu Chong's body.
∂ 被某事件捲入
The U.S. gets sucked into World War II after the Pearl Harbor attack.
My job sucks! (工作很爛)
This movie sucks! (電影很爛)
You suck! (你很爛)
Reality sucks. (現實生活就是這麼爛)
Suck up something
You have to suck up your pain until we get to the hospital.
General Yi sucked up his pride and accepted the woman clothes from Liang.
Suck up to someone
Don’t suck up to me. It won’t do you any good.
It’s not gonna be as easy to suck up to “Creative Director.”
(我當上創意總監之後,你想拍馬屁就沒像現在這麼容易了 – 電影:男人百分百)
Suck in someone
The scam has sucked in over 4,000 victims.
Suck at something
I’m good at math but suck at English.
I suck at this game.
Glory of Love
Peter Cetera, 1984
You keep me standing tall
You help me through it all
I'm always strong when you're beside me
I have always needed you
I could never make it alone
I am a man who will fight for your honor
I'll be the hero you're dreaming of
We'll live forever knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of love