Blanket (毯子),動詞「覆蓋」
1. 掩蓋:
Noise blanketed the speech.
2. 充斥:
Fake iPhones blanket the market.
3. 干擾:
Sun storm blanketed the radio reception.
Boot (靴子),動詞「穿靴子」、「猛踢」
Illegal parking vehicles will be either towed or booted.
兩個常用美國口語:Boot Out 和 Boot Off
Boot out someone把人轟從某單位轟走
Boot off someone 把人趕下車
Boot Up: 啟動系統專有名詞
1. Buckle 「扣住」:
buckle (up) your seat belt 扣安全帶
2. Buckle「彎曲」:
比方 My knees start to buckle. 我開始腿軟
Buckle Under「屈服」
可屈服於pressure壓力, strain 壓力, weights重量, threats威脅...
Buckle up還是Buckle down?
綁緊安全帶,Buckle Up
勒緊腰帶,Buckle down,拚了!
(舉重選手必須Buckle Down勒緊腰帶才能發揮全力!)
Buckle Up and Buckle Down,做好準備放手一搏
Button (鈕扣),動詞「扣扣子」
button up the jacket 把外套扣好
button up a deal 成交
button up your lip 閉嘴