I Dream For A Living (7), Steven Spielberg
~ 夢想不會鬼叫 只會悄悄來到 ~
When you have a dream, and the dream isn’t something you dream and then it happens. The dream is something you never knew was going to come into your life. Dreams always come from behind you, not right between your eyes. It sneaks up on you.
夢想,不是隨便做個夢然後就成真(happens),夢想,是你自己不知道的未來,夢想總是在你的背後出現,而不是明晃晃的站在你眼前(right between your eyes),它只是偷偷的靠近你(sneak up on you)。
But when you have a dream, it doesn’t often come at you, screaming in your face, “This is who you are! This is what you must be for the rest of your life.”
夢想不會自己撲到你身上(come at you),在你面前鬼叫(scream in your face)告訴你:「這就是你,你今後必須做這樣的人」。
Sometimes a dream almost whispers, and I’ve always said to my kids, “The hardest thing to listen to – your instincts, your human personal intuition – always whispers. It never shouts, very hard to hear.
“So you have to, every day of your lives, be ready to hear what whispers in your ear. It very rarely shouts. And if you can listen to the whisper and if it tickles your heart and is sometimes you think you want to do for the rest of your life, then that is going to be what you do for the rest of your life, and we will benefit from everything you do.”
Thank you very much.
所以你們每天都必須聆聽這些耳語,它們很少喊叫(shout),如果你們能聽見這些耳語,這耳語騷動你的心(tickle your heart),而你相信是未來人生要做的事,這個夢想就是你的未來,我們大家都會因為你實現這個夢想而獲益(benefit)」。謝謝大家。