2013年5月4日Twitter CEO Dick Costolo回母校University of Mochigan參加畢業典禮演講,主題是:Be in this moment (活在當下)
I love you too. You know I have to start with by tweeting this, so just give me one second. I'm professional so this will only take a second.
All right, I wanna start off by thanking President Coleman, all the graduates, friends and family, faculty, of course, and finally the board of regents who sit behind me quietly judging us all.
好,首先開始(start off)我要感謝校長Coleman,感謝所有的畢業生,你們的朋友,你們的家人,當然,還有全體教職員(faculty),最後還要感謝坐在我後面的評議委員(board of regents),他們靜靜地坐在那裡評論(judge)我們的表現。
I'd like to also take a moment to thank my mother and father who are here today and I like all of you to remember at the end of the day, to take a moment to thank your parents or whoever it was that helped you get where you are today. They have sacrificed greatly for you. And we'll be out of here by 3:30 I promise.
When I woke up this morning and started writing my speech, I was thinking about my first month on campus in September when I was a freshman. And the football team went into that season, ranked number one in the nation, preseason, and there was all this - I remember that September when I got here, there was all this excitement on campus.
今天早上醒來開始寫講稿,我想起當年九月在校園當新鮮人的時候,學校的足球隊踢入季賽(went into that season),當時季前賽排全國第一(ranked number one),那時學校一整片... 我記得那是九月我剛到的時候,整個校園都是興奮的場面。
And our first game was at Wisconsin and we went up there and we lost our first game, 21 to 14 and there was this just crushing disappointment afterwards. And I'd like you to think of that, soaring expectations followed by crusing disappointment, as a metaphor for your next 20 minutes with me.
我們的第一場比賽在Wisconsn,我們過去看,結果我們輸了,21比14,接著後面就是令人難以承受的極度失望。我希望你們想一想這故事,高漲的期望隨之而來的就是極度的失望。這是接下來20分鐘我們一起的隱喻(metaphor) - 別期望太高。
推特原始想法是取代簡訊(Text Message),很多人簡訊一來身體就抽蓄一次,Twitch,但是Twitch不適合當公司名字,好像有病,所以大家翻字典,找到兩個字Tweet和Twitter
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Board of regents
* 負責學生福利和學生行為的監督和管理
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