Be In This Moment (2), Dick Costolo
Twitter CEO當年畢業,放棄高薪的工程師工作,選擇去芝加哥當小演員,夢想被大導演發掘,結果淪落到Craft & Barrel當包裝工人…
When I was sitting where you are so many years ago, but what seems to me really like just yesterday, I was earning my degree in Computer Science and , Yay nerds!
許多年前當我坐在你們現在坐的地方的時候,但感覺就像事昨天,我正在攻讀(earn my degree)計算機科學,耶,你們這些書呆子(nerd)!
Yay [je]
At the time, the CS Department was in the School of Literature, Science and the Art, so I had to have a certain number of Arts credits to graduate. And so my first semester senior year, I decided, “Well, I’ll take an acting class because” – I’m just going to pander to the crowd, that’s the kind of person I am.
在當時,計算機科學系(CS Department)隸屬文學院(School of Literature), 所謂科學與藝術,所以我必須拿到規定的藝術學分(Arts credits)才能畢業,在我大四上學期的時候(first semester senior year),我決定,「好吧,我要上戲劇表演課,因為…」,(觀眾大笑),我就迎合大家(等你們笑完),我就是這樣的人
Pander to someone/something
I thought, “I’ll take an acting class because we won’t have a lot of homework and I’ll go in and we’ll say Arthur Miller lines to each other and then I can work on my operating systems programs at night.”
當時心想,就選表演課,反正功課不是很多,進去跟大家講幾句Arthur Miller的台詞(lines),晚上再寫我的作業系統程式。
Arthur Miller
1915 – 2005, 美國著名編劇和散文作家,獲獎無數,瑪麗蓮夢露第三任老公
And I love the class so much that my second semester senior year, I took another acting class and in fact I started doing standup comedy which I’d never done before at the Michigan Union at the U-Club.
我太喜歡這門課了,所以大四下學期我又選了一門表演課,實際上,我開始學獨角喜劇(standup comedy),這是我在密西根工會的U-Club從來沒有表演過的。
Standup Comedy
So that, by the time I was sitting where you guys are today with my CS degree, I had offers from three technology companies to go work for them as a programmer, but I decided instead that, what I would do was move to Chicago, try to get into the improv comedy group Second City and go on from there to Saturday Night Live and ultimate fame and glory.
所以當年就像你們現在坐在這裡,有計算機科學學位,有三家科技公司要我去當程式設計師,但是我另有選擇(decided instead that),我的規劃是,搬去芝加哥,加入「第二城即興喜劇團」(improv comedy group),然後邁向「周末夜現場」,最後功成名就(fame and glory)。
Fame and Glory
Now in the Hollywood version of my story, what would happen is that, there’d be about three minutes, where I would move to Chicago and I would suffer mightily probably at night or in the rain. There would be music in the background and I would come home at night to a dog in a giant loft that I could somehow miraculously afford and fall asleep.
現在講好萊塢版本的故事,當初是這麼設想的,大約三分鐘,我先搬去芝加哥,然後極度潦倒(suffer mightily),某個夜晚,可能還下著雨,我回到大型頂樓加蓋的家,還有一條狗,神奇地我居然有錢買這套子,然後睡著。
Loft Apartment
Miraculous [mɪ'rækjələs]
And after those three minutes, I would be discovered by a director who would cast me to film and I’d walk down the red carpet and my parents would be across the red carpet giving me the thumbs up.
三分鐘過後,我被某導演發掘去拍電影(cast me to film),然後我步入紅地毯,我父母在紅地毯另一邊舉起拇指喊讚(give me the thumbs up)。
In the real world story of what happened when I decided to make a big bet on myself and take the chance to do this because it’s what I loved, I was grinding away for a long time and I had no money and we would rehearse during the day and perform to these little theaters at night for free.
然而真實世界的情況是,就在我對自己下重注(make a big bet on myself),冒險坐我熱愛的事情, 我刻苦砥礪(grind away)好長一段時間,身上沒錢,白天得去排練(rehearse),晚上到小戲院免費演出。
Grind away
And I was taking classes during the day at Second City as well, trying to learn improvisation and I eventually had to get odd jobs because I had no money. So I put my CS degree from Michigan to use wrapping flatware and selling place settings in Crate & Barrel.
我白天還在第二城上課,努力學習即興表演(improvisation),我最終還是得找份非專業的工作(odd jobs),因為我真的沒錢了,所以我拿我的密西根計算機科學文憑,去Crate & Barrel,包裝刀叉湯匙等餐具(flatware)和銷售餐具組(place setting)
Improvisation [ɪmprəvaɪ'zeʃən]
Odd job
* 比方電子工程畢業去當英文老師
Place Setting
Crate & Barrel