
Be In This Moment (6), Dick Costolo





【聽力挑戰2 英文原文】

And every so often, my past and present come together. I was invited to this fundraiser at this children’s hospital in the Bay area last year and Steve Carell was the guest speaker. And so I took a photocopy of this review of the group that Steve and I were in Chicago over 25 years ago to the charity auction. And I showed it to Steve when I got a chance to talk to him. He’s mobbed the whole time by people, but we got a chance to have a brief conversation. We looked at this photocopy of this review and talked about the different people in the group and where they were now and we’d kept in touch with some but not with all of them. At the end of that conversation, Steve patted me on the back and he said, “I’m really sorry it didn’t work out for you.”

You cannot draw that path looking forward. You cannot draw any of your paths looking forward. So you have to figure out what you love to do what you have conviction about and go do that.


【聽力挑戰3 英文加中文提示】

And every so often(有時候), my past and present come together(混在一起). I was invited to this fundraiser(某捐款活動) at this children’s hospital(某兒童醫院) in the Bay area (舊金山灣區) last year and Steve Carell was the guest speaker(演講嘉賓). And so I took a photocopy(影印本) of this review of the group (團隊回顧) that Steve and I were in Chicago over 25 years ago to the charity auction(慈善拍賣會). And I showed it to Steve when I got a chance to talk to him. He’s mobbed(被團團圍住) the whole time by people, but we got a chance to have a brief conversation(短暫交談). We looked at this photocopy of this review and talked about the different people in the group and where they were now and we’d kept in touch(保持聯繫) with some but not with all of them. At the end of that conversation, Steve patted me on the back(拍拍我的背) and he said, “I’m really sorry it didn’t work out for you.(很遺憾你沒能成功)”

You cannot draw that path(規劃路線) looking forward. You cannot draw any of your paths looking forward. So you have to figure out(搞清楚) what you love to do what you have conviction(堅定信念) about and go do that.


【聽力挑戰4 中譯加英文提示】

有時候(every so often),我的過去和現在是混在一起的(come together),我受邀去舊金山灣區(Bay Area)的某兒童醫院的一個捐款活動(fundraiser)(我的老師)Steve Carell是演講嘉賓(guest speaker),當時我帶一份劇團回顧的複印本(a photocopy of this review of the group),那是Steve和我過去25年在芝加哥參加過的慈善拍賣會(charity aution),他大部分時間都被群眾包圍(be mobbed),但我終於找到機會跟他短暫交談(have a brief conversation),我們一起看回顧副本,聊劇團中每一個人,聊他們現在在哪,有些人我們還有聯繫。就在談話結束的時候,Steve拍拍我的背說(pat me on the back),他說:很遺憾你沒能成功,很遺憾事與願違,I’m really sorry it didn’t work out for you.

你無法幫你未來的道路做規劃(draw the path),你規劃不了任何你的未來,所以你們閉許弄清楚(figure out)你們自己想做的是什麼(love to do),你對什麼事情有堅定的信念(conviction),去做就對了(go do that)


【聽力挑戰5 中英對照】

And every so often, my past and present come together.

有時候(every so often),我的過去和現在是混在一起的(come together)


I was invited to this fundraiser at this children’s hospital in the Bay area last year and Steve Carell was the guest speaker.

我受邀去舊金山灣區(Bay Area)的某兒童醫院的一個捐款活動(fundraiser)(我的老師)Steve Carell是演講嘉賓(guest speaker)


And so I took a photocopy of this review of the group that Steve and I were in Chicago over 25 years ago to the charity auction.

當時我帶一份劇團回顧的複印本(a photocopy of this review of the group),那是Steve和我過去25年在芝加哥參加過的慈善拍賣會(charity aution)


And I showed it to Steve when I got a chance to talk to him. He’s mobbed the whole time by people, but we got a chance to have a brief conversation.

他大部門時間都被群眾包圍(be mobbed),但我終於找到機會跟他短暫交談(have a brief conversation)


We looked at this photocopy of this review and talked about the different people in the group and where they were now and we’d kept in touch with some but not with all of them.



At the end of that conversation, Steve patted me on the back and he said, “I’m really sorry it didn’t work out for you.”

就在談話結束的時候,Steve拍拍我的背說(pat me on the back),他說:「很遺憾你沒能成功,很遺憾事與願違


You cannot draw that path looking forward. You cannot draw any of your paths looking forward.

你無法幫你未來的道路做規劃(draw the path),你規劃不了任何你的未來,


So you have to figure out what you love to do what you have conviction about and go do that.

所以你們必須弄清楚(figure out)你們自己想做的是什麼(love to do),你對什麼事情有堅定的信念(conviction),去做就對了(go do that)


【聽力挑戰6 無字天書】



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