#一頁書英文閱讀 Vanity Card #196
The Big Bang Theory 1-9 The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization
今天一頁書講的是「悟」,製作人Chuck Lorre的心靈歷程,期望自己Die Without Death(羽化登仙),回到The Cosmic Sea of Bliss(極樂世界)
Imprison [ɪm'prɪzn]
Craven ['krevn]
[形][正式]怯懦、懦弱的( = Coward)
Die without death
* 表面上是死於非命,Die without a natural cause,但Cuck Lorre改用這種講法,是另一種層次,比較接近得道升天的死法,真的有這種死法嗎?2006年,南海航空王總親自再海口拍下密宗圓寂的最高境界,虹化,禪定後化成一片虹彩然後消失
* 說個題外話,這兩年老遇到奇怪現象,拍照時出現時空重疊,想起Matrix(駭客任務),一切就想通了,時空重疊只是一個程式上的Glitch(小錯誤),虹化這種科學無法解釋的現象,用Matrix就很簡單,老和尚就是The One,救世主基諾李維,已經領悟我們活的世界皆是虛妄,都是假的,佛教經典,用Matrix來解釋,似乎大徹大悟
Cosmic ['kɑzmɪk]
Bliss [blɪs]
* 釋迦摩尼勸戒門下弟子,不要沉迷於禪定,因為許多人禪定只為了享受在另一個世界得到的極樂(Bliss),這又牽扯到另一部電影Inception,盜夢空間(全面啟動),人活在自己想像的夢裡
Crank out something
[片語]大量粗製濫造( = Knock off something)
* 用很快的速度,不管品質,大量地生產
* 製作人用Crank out而不用Knock off是有原因的,因為Crank是攝影機轉底片的把手,Crank out,不斷轉動大量拍攝
【百世經綸 一頁書 原文】
My soul's journey:
To let go of the fear and anger which imprisons my heart,
To relinquish all childish expectations and live joyfully in the world as it is -- not as I wish or imagine it to be,
To be free of the always craven and ever-craving ego,
To be released from the endless hungers of the body,
To see God in others,
To see God in everything,
To die without death and merge my consciousness into the cosmic sea of bliss from which I came,
To crank out two sitcoms a week that can compete with a deaf chick dancing her ass off...
This is my soul's journey.
【清香白蓮 一頁書 分段重點】
My soul's journey:
To let go of the fear and anger which imprisons my heart,
To relinquish all childish expectations and live joyfully in the world as it is -- not as I wish or imagine it to be,
To be free of the always craven and ever-craving ego,
To be released from the endless hungers of the body,
To see God in others,
To see God in everything,
To die without death and merge my consciousness into the cosmic sea of bliss from which I came,
To crank out two sitcoms a week that can compete with a deaf chick dancing her ass off...
This is my soul's journey.
【亂世狂刀 一頁書 中文註釋】
My soul's journey:
To let go of(放手、釋放) the fear and anger which imprisons(禁錮) my heart,
To relinquish(放棄) all childish expectations and live joyfully in the world as it is(原本的樣子) -- not as I wish or imagine it to be,
To be free of(擺脫、免除) the always craven(怯弱) and ever-craving(貪得無厭的) ego(自我),
To be released(被釋放) from the endless hungers of the body,
To see God in others,
To see God in everything,
To die without death(得道升天) and merge(合併) my consciousness(意識) into the cosmic(宇宙的) sea of bliss(極樂) from which I came,
To crank out(大量粗製爛造) two sitcoms(情境劇) a week that can compete with a deaf chick(小妞) dancing her ass off(瘋狂跳舞)...
This is my soul's journey.
【黑白郎君 一頁書 中英對照】
My soul's journey:
To let go of the fear and anger which imprisons my heart,
To relinquish all childish expectations and live joyfully in the world as it is -- not as I wish or imagine it to be,
放棄幼稚的期待,用自己原來的樣子開心的活 – 不是活在自己的希望和想像
To be free of the always craven and ever-craving ego,
To be released from the endless hungers of the body,
To see God in others,
To see God in everything,
To die without death and merge my consciousness into the cosmic sea of bliss from which I came,
To crank out two sitcoms a week that can compete with a deaf chick dancing her ass off...
* Chuck Lorre所講的deaf chick,不是真的耳聾的妞,而是在吵鬧的夜總會裡跳舞的妞,那些妞就像聾了一樣,不怕巨大音樂,你講話他也聽不見
This is my soul's journey.
Cleaning up after an Internet experiment, Leonard discovers a letter in the trash can, which is an invitation he and Sheldon received to present some research they had done together at an academic conference. Sheldon disapproves of presenting research in person, but Leonard defies him, saying he will go on his own. This causes a rift between the two which Penny tries to mend but accidentally makes worse. At the conference, Sheldon appears and tries to discredit Leonard's presentation by attempting to "blow up" Leonard's head with his mind à la the movie Scanners, causing a physical altercation between the two. Howard records the fight on his cell-phone and puts it on YouTube, but earns the ire of Penny after also taking a picture of her sleeping on his shoulder and posting it to Facebook with the caption "me and my girlfriend".
網路實驗之後收拾東西,Leonard發現垃圾桶(trash can)裡有封信,這是一封給他和Sheldon的邀請函,請他們去校園研討會(academic conference)發表研究,Sheldon反對(disapproves of)親自過去發表,但是Leonard不服(defies),說他要自己去,兩人之間產生裂痕(rift),Penny幫忙修補關係(mend),不小心適得其反。Sheldon出現在研討會上,對Leonard的發表提出質疑,學電影Scanners的念力方式(mind a la)要炸掉Leonard的頭,兩人起肢體衝突(physical altercation),Howard用手機把兩人打架過程錄下來放到Youtube,讓Penny很惱怒(ire),因為Howward同時在Facebook上把Penny靠在她肩膀睡覺的的照片PO上去,標題註明(caption),「我和我的女朋友」