From Those to Whom Much is Given, Much is Expected(7)
- Bill Gates, Harvard 2007
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這一分鐘Bill Gates的演講提到20世紀人類對瘧疾處理的失當,他講的就是在1960年美國一個海洋生物學家Rachael Louise Carson,她的一本著作Silent Spring(寂靜的春天)震驚全美,因為DDT農藥的使用,雖然美國蚊子沒了,蟋蟀其他昆蟲也沒了,身為國際警察的美國,呼籲全世界禁用DDT,包括非洲,結果沒幾年,非洲因為瘧疾而死亡人數高達兩千五百萬,就為了讓美國人能夠聽到春天的蟲鳴,是非曲直,很難論定,以經濟學的觀點,先用DDT快速解決非洲瘧疾問題,病情控制住再禁也不遲,但可能會有幾種昆蟲或鳥類絕種
【聽力挑戰1 英文原聲】
【聽力挑戰2 英文原文】
Finding solutions is essential if we wanna make the most of our caring.
If we have clear and proven answers anytime an organization or an individual asks, “How can I help?” then we can get action – and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted.
But complexity makes it hard to mark a path of action for everyone who cares – and that makes it hard for their caring to matter.
Cutting through complexity to find solutions runs through four predicable stages: determine a goal, find the highest-impact approach, deliver the technology ideal for that approach, and in the meantime, use the best application of technology you already have – whether it’s something sophisticated, like a drug, or something simpler, like bednet.
The AIDS epidemic offers an example.
The broad goal, of course, is to end the disease.
The highest-leverage approach is prevention.
The ideal technology would be a vaccine that gives lifetime immunity with a single dose.
So governments, drug companies, and foundations are funding vaccine research.
But their work is likely to take more than a decade, so in the meantime, we have to work with what we have in hand – and the best prevention approach we have now is getting people to avoid risky behavior.
Pursuing that goal starts the four-step cycle again. This is the pattern.
The crucial thing is to never stop thinking and working – and never do what we did with malaria and tuberculosis in the 20th century – which is to surrender to complexity and quit.
【聽力挑戰3 英文 + 中文提示】
Finding solutions is essential(至關重要的) if we wanna make the most of(充分利用) our caring(關懷).
If we have clear and proven(清晰且證明有效的) answers anytime an organization or an individual(組織和個人) asks, “How can I help?” then we can get action(採取行動) and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted(浪費掉).
But complexity(錯綜複雜) makes it hard to mark a path of action(劃出一套行動方案) for everyone who cares, and that makes it hard for their caring to matter(有舉足輕重地位).
Cutting through(快刀斬亂麻) complexity to find solutions runs through(把…做過一遍) four predicable stages(可預期的階段任務): determine a goal, find the highest-impact(最有影響力的) approach, deliver the technology ideal for(對…最理想) that approach, and in the meantime, use the best application of technology(應用技術) you already have – whether it’s something sophisticated(精密的), like a drug, or something simpler, like bed net(蚊帳).
The AIDS epidemic(流行性傳染病) offers an example.
The broad goal(整體目標), of course, is to end the disease.
The highest-leverage(最有影響力的) approach is prevention(預防).
The ideal technology would be a vaccine(疫苗) that gives lifetime immunity(終生免疫) with a single dose(藥劑).
So governments, drug companies, and foundations are funding(資助) vaccine research.
But their work is likely to take more than a decade(十年), so in the meantime, we have to work with what we have in hand(手上現成的) – and the best prevention approach we have now is getting people to avoid risky behavior(危險的行為).
Pursuing(追求) that goal starts the four-step cycle(四個循環步驟) again. This is the pattern(模式).
The crucial(至關緊要的) thing is to never stop thinking and working – and never do what we did with malaria(瘧疾) and tuberculosis(肺結核) in the 20th century – which is to surrender to(屈服於) complexity and quit.
Epidemic [,ɛpɪ'dɛmɪk]
流行性傳染病,比方流感,Bill Gates比較客氣,實際上愛滋病用的是另一個字Pandemic [pæn'dɛmɪk],Pandemic規模和傳染力度比Epidemic還大,可以擴張到全國甚至全世界,比方黑死病,還有一種疾病叫Endemic [ɛn'dɛmɪk],這是地方特有的疾病,小至一個村莊,比方芝加哥的通病(endemic)是犯罪
在物理學上稱為「槓桿原理」,在金融方面叫「財務槓桿」,簡單來說,就是借錢來投資,對政治人物和一般人來說,是「影響力」:Mayor P has lost his leverage to get thing done through public opinions. (P市長已經失去利用民心辦事的影響力)
【聽力挑戰4 中譯 + 英文提示】
如果我們想要充分發揮make the most of自己的愛心caring,找到方法是最關鍵的essential
如果我們有明確並卻證明有效的clear and proven答案,能在任何時候回答單位或個人的問題:「我們能幫上什麼忙?」,我們就能馬上採取行動get action,並且確保沒有一份愛心被浪費掉wasted
但是裡面的錯綜複雜complexity,很難為每一個有愛心的人設計出一道行動方案mark a path of action,造成他們的愛心很難發揮作用to matter
若要快刀砍掉Cutting through這些錯綜複雜的東西找到解決辦法,必須做完runs through四個可預期的階段性任務predicable stages:確認目標,找到最有效的highest-impact辦法,拿出最適合ideal for這個辦法的技術,並且在此同時,用你已經有的最佳應用技術application of technology,不論是精密的sophisticated東西,比方說藥品,或者簡單的東西,像是蚊帳bed net
當然,整體目標broad goal是消滅疾病
最理想的技術是疫苗vaccine,打一劑dose終生免疫lifetime immunity
但這項工作很可能要十年decade以上,所以此時此刻,我們必須用手上現成的what we have in hand來做,現在最佳的預防辦法就是讓人們避免危險的行為risky behavior
追求Pursuing這樣的目標,又得重四個循環步驟four-step cycle開始,這是一種模式pattern
最最重要的crucial事是,絕對不要停止思考、停止行動,不要再重蹈20世紀處理瘧疾malaria和肺結核tuberculosis i的覆轍,大家因為問題太複雜而投降surrender to並放棄
【聽力挑戰5 中英對照】
Finding solutions is essential(至關重要的) if we wanna make the most of(充分利用) our caring(關懷).
If we have clear and proven answers(清晰且證明有效的答案), anytime an organization or an individual(組織和個人) asks, “How can I help?” then we can get action(採取行動) and we can make sure that none of the caring in the world is wasted(浪費掉).
But complexity(錯綜複雜) makes it hard to mark a path of action(設計一套行動方案) for everyone who cares, and that makes it hard for their caring to matter(有舉足輕重地位).
Cutting through(快刀斬亂麻) complexity to find solutions runs through(把…做過一遍) four predicable stages(可預期的階段任務): determine a goal, find the highest-impact(最有影響力的) approach, deliver the technology ideal for(對…最理想) that approach, and in the meantime, use the best application of technology(應用技術) you already have – whether it’s something sophisticated(精密的), like a drug, or something simpler, like bed net(蚊帳).
The AIDS epidemic(流行性傳染病) offers an example.
The broad goal(整體目標), of course, is to end the disease.
The highest-leverage(最有影響力的) approach is prevention(預防).
The ideal technology would be a vaccine(疫苗) that gives lifetime immunity(終生免疫) with a single dose(藥劑).
So governments, drug companies, and foundations(基金會) are funding(資助) vaccine research.
But their work is likely to take more than a decade(十年), so in the meantime, we have to work with what we have in hand(手上現成的) – and the best prevention approach we have now is getting people to avoid risky behavior(危險的行為).
Pursuing(追求) that goal starts the four-step cycle(四個循環步驟) again. This is the pattern(模式).
The crucial(至關緊要的) thing is to never stop thinking and working – and never do what we did with malaria(瘧疾) and tuberculosis in the 20th century – which is to surrender to complexity and quit.
【聽力挑戰6 無字天書】