#關鍵字閱讀 空中英語教室

2016 Sep 14-15 Who Said That?




Flourish [ˈflɝɪʃ]









如果是Address一個問題,不僅僅是處理,而且是特別針對性的處理,立即行動的,如果是Deal with, 表示一定會用心處理,什麼時候?不知道,如果是Take care of,表示有可能會處理,會不會做?能不能做好?不保證




藝術家,除了真的是藝術家,還有哪些人可以當Artist? 只要一個人在某個專業領域非常厲害,技藝高超,都可以稱為Artist,包括神偷都可以稱為Artist;而文中的美編為何也稱為Artist? 只要職業涉及美術的,都可以用Artist,比方3D動畫師,3D Animation Artist,海報製作,Poster Artist,至於有沒有到大師級地步,就另當別論了;







Stew [stu, stju]

食物Stew是慢燉,人Stew是生氣或發火?空英上這麼解釋,不太接近本意,Stew是當一個人為了某件事情心情「焦慮或煩悶、生悶氣」,這樣的人易怒,所以才把Stew當成生氣,英國有句話形容俄羅斯普丁:Putin was stewing in his own juice. (普丁自己在那裡生悶氣)




在學校或辦公場合,遇到慢郎中千萬不能用Slow,因為這是說人家不聰明,笨蛋;如果要用Slow,必須在後面說明,slow in doing something,但是建議不要用Slow,改用Not quick。空英這一集,LauraEmma有點Slow,但是沒有說明哪裡Slow,強烈暗示大老闆Dean說,Emma這個女孩子事情是做得好,就是笨了點;美國有史以來最Slow的總統是,小布希!



Round 1 關鍵字閱讀】

Sept 14th

Who Said That?

Don’t believe everything you hear

Allowing negative workplace gossip to flourish can lead to many problems.

It can impact people’s work and lead to distrust among workers.

Most rumors spread because of a lack of accurate information.

The best way to combat rumors is with good communication.

When managers communicate well, work teams know what’s happening.

Good communication within a work team means a supervisor will address rumors quickly and effectively.


Conversation A

(Emma knocks on Dean’s door)

Emma: Hi Dean. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Dean: Sure. What’s up? You’re doing a fantastic job training the other artists on that new software.

Emma: That’s not what I’ve heard. People are saying that Laura is criticizing my work.

Dean: Where did you hear that? Who is “people”?

Emma: Some of other artists. I don’t want to name names and get anyone in trouble.

Dear: Well, I’m glad you told me and didn’t just stew about it. I’ll talk to Laura and get to the bottom of this.


Sept 15th

Conversation B

(Dean goes into Laura’s office)

Dean: Hi, Laura. Sorry to disturb you, but do you have a minute?

Laura: Sure. What can I help you with?

Dean: Are you happy with Emma’s work?

Laura: Of course. She’s a good artist. A little slow maybe, but she does good work. And she’s done very well teaching others the new software.

Dean: Well, she’s heard that you don’t like her work and are criticizing her behind her back.

Laura: That’s ridiculous! If I didn’t like her work, I’d talk to her about it.

Dean: That’s what I thought.


Conversation C

(Dean stops by Emma’s desk later)

Dean: So did Laura talk to you?

Emma: Yes. And I feel much better. She likes my work, and she complimented me on my teaching.

Dean: I’m glad to put an end to that rumor.

Emma: Me, too. Laura also called a meeting of all the artists. She told us to go to her with questions and not just guess about what’s going on.

Dean: Great. Good communication is key.

Emma: That’s for sure. I wasted time being depressed about something that wasn’t true.


Round 2 關鍵字閱讀中文提示】

Sept 14th

Who Said That?

Don’t believe everything you hear

Allowing negative(負面的) workplace(工作場合) gossip(八卦) to flourish(興旺) can lead to(導致) many problems.

It can impact(重大影響) people’s work and lead to distrust(不信任) among workers.

Most rumors spread because of a lack of(缺乏) accurate information.

The best way to combat(戰鬥、打擊) rumors is with good communication.

When managers communicate(溝通) well, work teams(工作團隊) know what’s happening.

Good communication within a work team means a supervisor(主管) will address(處理) rumors quickly and effectively.


Conversation A

(Emma knocks on Dean’s door)

Emma: Hi Dean. Can I talk to you for a minute?

Dean: Sure. What’s up? You’re doing a fantastic(很棒的) job training the other artists(美編) on that new software.

Emma: That’s not what I’ve heard. People are saying that Laura is criticizing(批評) my work.

Dean: Where did you hear that? Who is “people”?

Emma: Some of other artists. I don’t want to name names(指名道姓) and get anyone in trouble(害人惹麻煩).

Dear: Well, I’m glad you told me and didn’t just stew about it(擔心生氣). I’ll talk to Laura and get to the bottom of this(查個水落石出).


Sept 15th

Conversation B

(Dean goes into Laura’s office)

Dean: Hi, Laura. Sorry to disturb(打擾、打斷) you, but do you have a minute?

Laura: Sure. What can I help you with?

Dean: Are you happy with(滿意) Emma’s work?

Laura: Of course. She’s a good artist. A little slow() maybe, but she does good work. And she’s done very well teaching others the new software.

Dean: Well, she’s heard that you don’t like her work and are criticizing her behind her back(背後).

Laura: That’s ridiculous(荒謬)! If I didn’t like her work, I’d talk to her about it.

Dean: That’s what I thought.


Conversation C

(Dean stops by(路過拜訪) Emma’s desk later)

Dean: So did Laura talk to you?

Emma: Yes. And I feel much better. She likes my work, and she complimented(稱讚) me on my teaching.

Dean: I’m glad to put an end to(終止) that rumor.

Emma: Me, too. Laura also called a meeting of all the artists. She told us to go to her with questions and not just guess about what’s going on.

Dean: Great. Good communication is key.

Emma: That’s for sure. I wasted time being depressed(難過、心情低落  ) about something that wasn’t true.


Round 3 聽力閱讀】

Sep 14th

Sep 15th


Round 4 詞彙圖像記憶】











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