Facing Fear Bravely(10-12) - Tom Hanks 2011


1) 只知道單字一個意思或一個用法,感覺不夠就需要想,想,就來不及

2) 對慣用語和片語掌握度不夠,每個字都認識,組合起來就變生字

3) 對美國文化不夠了解,這點就比較難學習,要走出去,多看美國現代的媒體,包括電視劇

今天Tom Hanks三篇一分鐘演講,證實了以上三個結論


《詞彙分析 10

Boredom ['bɔrdəm]




Vanquish ['væŋkwɪʃ]

完全征服,defeat completely,但是征服的字那麼多,beat, defeat, overcome, conquer,這些字和Vanquish最大的不同是,Vanquish比較有文學氣質




翻譯,只占這個字30%的意思,包括把小說改編成電影,”The novel has been translated into a film.”,還有另外兩個意思,和主動和被動式有關:

1) 被動式的Translate:把OO改變成XX“A small investment can be translated into big bucks.”(小投資會變成大錢)

2) 主動式的TranslateOO實際上就是XX“A small investment can translate into big bucks.”(小投資就是賺大錢)




Perpetual [pɚ'pɛtʃuəl]




Distraction [dɪ'strækʃən]

分散注意力的東西,但是非常多的場合,Distraction代表兩種好東西,好玩的活動(enjoyable activity)和消遣(recreation),賈伯斯改變世界之一,就是把手機變成永恆的消遣娛樂



Yank [jæŋk]




Attention Span




《詞彙分析 11

Notoriety [,notə'raɪəti]

惡名昭彰,Tom Hanks批評現代人喜歡利用搞怪來出名,而且因為新技術,還能出名很久



Andy Warhol

安迪沃荷,1928 -1987,美國藝術家、電影攝影師,視覺藝術運動普及藝術最有名的開創者之一。他發明了廣為流傳的「成名十五分鐘」理論,任何人都可以出名15分鐘。安迪沃荷認為藝術不能脫離金錢金錢,應該要努力把藝術商業化。他的作品中最常出現的是名人以及人們熟悉的事物,比如瑪麗蓮夢露




歐威爾主義,現代政權藉宣傳、誤報、否認事實、操縱過去,來執行社會控制,包括冷處理、蒸發,公開紀錄和大多數人記憶中均被抹煞不存在;源自喬治歐威爾George Orwell1903-1950,他的巨著一九八四,裡面一句話”The Big Brother is watching you(背後有大哥在監控你)”,中國大陸是禁書,另一本轟動的小說是動物農莊




2005年電影惡靈空間,分三部曲,男主角小時候晚上不敢睡,怕鬼,但是這隻鬼從來沒有出現過,Tom Hanks形容這樣的魔鬼,其實就是我們大家,比方用美圖秀秀來欺騙宅男的心



《詞彙分析 12

Social Draw

這句不是專有名詞,但到底是什麼?翻譯本廉價地社會結論,網路上小朋友說,就是社會圖像嘛,不對,社會圖像是Social Drawing,要知道答案,就要回到Draw的本意,其中一個意思就是抽籤,Tom Hanks不斷在網路上找答案,最後得到一條Social Draw,換成我們的話說,就是廟裡抽的籤詩



Physiological [,fɪzɪə'lɑdʒɪkl]

生理上的,這個字我們比較少用到,因為這是醫生的工作,我們比較注意心理上的Psychological [,saɪkə'lɑdʒɪkl],打通任督二脈,使出降龍十八掌,就是一種生理上的運作



Part 10


《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》


《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

Now some advantages particular to this age, are not to be denied.

Boredom seems to have been vanquished.

There is always something to do, but hasn’t this translated into a perpetual distraction in our lives?

In the bathroom, at the dinner table, in the backseat, at a wedding, at a bris, at a graduation day, there’s always something to check, something to tweet, something to watch, something to download, something to play, something to share, something to buy, something on voicemail, something to yank at our attention span and it’s all in the palm of our hand for a small monthly service fee.


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

Now some advantages particular to this age, are not to be denied(不容置疑).

Boredom(無聊) seems to have been vanquished(被擊敗、被征服).

There is always something to do, but hasn’t this translated into(翻譯成、解釋成) a perpetual(永恆的) distraction(消遣) in our lives?

In the bathroom, at the dinner table, in the backseat, at a wedding, at a bris(猶太人給男嬰的割禮), at a graduation day, there’s always something to check, something to tweet, something to watch, something to download, something to play, something to share, something to buy, something on voicemail(語音留言)l, something to yank at(用力拉扯) our attention span(注意力時間) and it’s all in the palm(手掌) of our hand for a small monthly service fee(月費).


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

這個時代有些特別的優勢是不容置疑的not to be denied

所謂的無聊Boredom好像已經被徹底摧毀been vanquished

我們總是有事可做,這不就可以看成translated into我們的生活永遠perpetual都是消遣distraction

在浴室、在餐桌上、在汽車後座、在婚禮、在猶太割禮bris、在畢業典禮,我們總是有東西去查探check、有東西去推送tweet、有東西去觀賞watch、有東西去下載download、有東西去玩play、有東西去分享share、有東西去買buy、有東西在語音留言信箱voicemail,總是有東西把我們注意力的時間中attention span拉扯出來yank at,一切都在我們的手掌palm之中,每個月只需要一點點服務費monthly service fee


《聽力挑戰5 英文原文》

Now some advantages particular to this age, are not to be denied.

Boredom seems to have been vanquished.

There is always something to do, but hasn’t this translated into a perpetual distraction in our lives?

In the bathroom, at the dinner table, in the backseat, at a wedding, at a bris, at a graduation day, there’s always something to check, something to tweet, something to watch, something to download, something to play, something to share, something to buy, something on voicemail, something to yang at our attention span and it’s all in the palm of our hand for a small monthly service fee.


《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》



Part 11

《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》


《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

That same technology has allowed for a surplus of celebrities, and that is nothing to cheer about.

Anyone, although that Sam Tsui, he rocks, anyone can enjoy the perks of notoriety now and the duration of fame has been lengthened from Andy Warhol’s brief 15 minutes, to a good 15 months, if you’re willing to do certain things on camera.

Though our Orwellian language is often the vocabulary of officials news speak, his Boogetman that was the all seen “big brother”, has never emerged, unless you live in North Korea, or run in a red light in Beverly Hill, or shop online, or have done something stupid in the wrong place or the wrong time in front of someone with a camera in their cell phone, and that is everybody.


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

That same technology has allowed for(造成) a surplus(多餘、過剩) of celebrities(名人), and that is nothing to cheer about(慶賀).

Anyone, although that Sam Tsui, he rocks(), anyone can enjoy the perks(津貼) of notoriety(臭名) now and the duration(持續時間) of fame(名氣) has been lengthened(延長) from Andy Warhol’s brief 15 minutes, to a good(足足的) 15 months, if you’re willing to do certain things on camera.

Though our Orwellian(歐威爾主義) language is often the vocabulary of officials news speak(官方新聞報導), his Boogetman(惡靈) that was the all-seen(天眼通的) “Big Brother”, has never emerged(現身), unless you live in North Korea, or run in a red light(闖紅燈) in Beverly Hill, or shop online, or have done something stupid in the wrong place or the wrong time in front of someone with a camera in their cell phone, and that is everybody.


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

相同的技術造成allowed for過多surplus名人celebrities的出現,沒啥好開心的cheer about

任何人,雖然徐山姆很棒rocks,任何人現在都能利用臭名notoriety佔便宜enjoy the perks,出名fame的持續時間durationAndy Warhol提倡的成名15分鐘延長到lengthened足足good 15個月之久,只要你們願意面對鏡頭做一些事

雖然我們歐威爾主義式的Orwellian語言常常出現在官方新聞報導officials news speak的用詞上,這種歐威爾主義式語言的惡靈Boogetman,也就是那位天眼通的all-seen大哥從來不會現身emerged(講這種歐威爾主義掩蓋事實的話的人),除非住在北韓,或在比佛利山莊闖紅燈,或是在網上購物,或者在不對的地點或不對的時間,你在人家的手機相機面前錯了蠢事,這些人就是我們。

* 這段話的意思是,現代人已經很難聽到真話或看到真相,因為一切都被科技給美化,除非,你住在北韓,人家金正恩敢作敢說,或者你在比佛利山莊闖紅燈,沒話講,或者被路人拍下來PO上網


《聽力挑戰5 英文原文》

That same technology has allowed for a surplus of celebrities, and that is nothing to cheer about.

Anyone, although that Sam Tsui, he rocks, anyone can enjoy the perks of notoriety now and the duration of fame has been lengthened from Andy Warhol’s brief 15 minutes, to a good 15 months, if you’re willing to do certain things on camera.

Though our Orwellian language is often the vocabulary of officials news speak, his boogetman that was the all seen “big brother”, has never emerged, unless you live in North Korea, or run in a red light in Beverly Hill, or shop online, or have done something stupid in the wrong place or the wrong time in front of someone with a camera in their cell phone, and that is everybody.


《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》



Part 12

《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》



《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

So pardon my junior college Latin.

The vox populi has become the all-seeing state and if you cross it, Google Search will forever display your screw-up, so actually there is a big brother.

But he’s not in the level of fiction; he’s actually all of us.

He lives in our search engines.

So no matter how many times I do the calculations, I come up with a social draw:

“the positives balance the negatives; the x’s equal the y’s, and our hopes weigh as much as our fear.”

But I hesitate on that last one, because fear, good lord, fear is a powerful physiological force in 2011.


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

So pardon my junior college(二專,兩年制大學) Latin.

The vox populi(一般人的聲音) has become the all-seeing state(大家都看得見的狀態) and if you cross(跨越) it, Google Search will forever display(顯示) your screw-up(搞砸、蠢事), so actually there is a big brother.

But he’s not in the level of fiction(小說); he’s actually all of us.

He lives in our search engines(搜索引擎).

So no matter how many times I do the calculations(做計算), I come up with(得到) a social draw(社會金句):

“the positives balance the negatives; the x’s equal the y’s, and our hopes weigh as much as our fear.”

But I hesitate on(猶豫、有疑慮) that last one, because fear, good lord, fear is a powerful physiological force(生理的力量) in 2011.


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

請原諒我二專生junior college的拉丁文

如果你跨越cross一個界線,一般人的聲音vox populi大家都能聽到all-seeing state,因為Google搜索絕對會顯示display你做的蠢事screw-up,所以說,背後真的有一個大哥


它存在於搜索引擎裡search engines

所以不論我做了多少次的計算do the calculations,我都得到come up with這樣一個社會詩籤social draw


但是我對最後一句話有些疑慮hesitate on,因為恐懼,我的天,恐懼是2011年一種巨大的生理力量physiological force


《聽力挑戰5 英文原文》

So pardon my junior college Latin.

The vox populi has become the all-seeing state and if you cross it, Google Search will forever display your screw-up, so actually there is a big brother.

But he’s not in the level of fiction; he’s actually all of us.

He lives in our search engines.

So no matter how many times I do the calculations, I come up with a social draw:

“the positives balance the negatives; the x’s equal the y’s, and our hopes weigh as much as our fear.”

But I hesitate on that last one, because fear, good lord, fear is a powerful physiological force in 2011.


《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》



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