
Tom Hanks Addresses the Yale Class of 2011 (13)

* 按照順序聽六遍,聽力從0100


1) 湯姆漢克斯在講台上,為什麼不用Stage,而用Stands,而且用複數?
2) 湯姆看克斯在台上看著大家,為什麼不用Look at you,而用Look to you?
3) 湯姆漢克斯說,今後要靠大家的努力,他用Labors,為什麼用複數?Labor不是單數不可數嗎?
4) 湯姆漢克斯說,Fear is a profit churning go-to with a whole market being your whole family. 裡面的Profit Churning和Go-to是什麼東西?


《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》



《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

We here up in the stands and surrounding you graduating class, look to you as we do every year, hoping you will now somehow through your labors, free us from what we have come to fear, and we have come to fear many things.

Fear has become the commodity that sells as certainly as sex.

Fear is cheap, fear is easy, fears gets attention, fear is spread as fast as gossip and as just as glamorous, juicy, and profitable.

Fear twists facts into fictions that become indistinguishable from ignorance.

Fear is a profit churning go-to with a whole market being your whole family.


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

We here up in the stands(在看台上) and surrounding you graduating class(畢業班), look to(關注) you as we do every year, hoping you will now somehow(用某種方式) through your labors(你們的努力), free us from what we have come to(開始) fear, and we have come to(開始) fear many things.

Fear has become the commodity(商品) that sells as certainly as(就像) sex.

Fear is cheap, fear is easy, fears gets attention, fear is spread as fast as gossip(八卦) and as just as glamorous(魅力四射), juicy(甜美多汁), and profitable(有利可圖).

Fear twists facts into fictions(扭曲為) that become indistinguishable(無法區分的) from ignorance(無知者).

Fear is a profit churning(炒作) go-to(習以為常) with a whole market being your whole family.


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

我們在看台上the stands,圍繞者你們畢業班graduating class,跟往年一樣關注look to你們大家,希望將來透過你們的努力your labors,把我們從恐懼中拯救出來,我們面臨了許多的恐懼。

恐懼已經變成一種商品commodity,就像as certainly as性商品一樣銷售

恐懼的價錢便宜、取得容易,恐懼能吸睛gets attention,恐懼散播力和八卦gossip一樣快,而且一樣魅力四射glamorous、甜美多汁juicy、有利可圖profitable

恐懼把真相facts扭曲為twist into虛幻的小說fictions,讓無知者ignorance無法辨別indistinguishable

恐懼是市場炒作profit churning司空見慣go-to的東西,現在也進入整個家庭


《聽力挑戰5 英文原文》

We here up in the stands and surrounding you graduating class, look to you as we do every year, hoping you will now somehow through your labors, free us from what we have come to fear, and we have come to fear many things.

Fear has become the commodity that sells as certainly as sex.

Fear is cheap, fear is easy, fears gets attention, fear is spread as fast as gossip and as just as glamorous, juicy, and profitable.

Fear twists facts into fictions that become indistinguishable from ignorance.

Fear is a profit churning go to with a whole market being your whole family.


《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》




up in the stands

湯姆漢克斯說,我們up in the stands看這你們這群學生,他在講台上(stage),講台為什麼用Stands? 為什麼用複數的Stands?

因為,The stands是專有名詞,也就是看台,比方球場觀眾看台,每一個人座位是一個Stand,所以The Stands是看台,不是講台,所以這意味著,講台上有一排以上的位子,讓師長等人坐,看著這群學生



Look to you

湯姆漢克斯說,我們在台上看著大家,他用Look to you,不是應該用Look at you嗎?所以決不是簡單的看

Look to you有兩種可能,「靠你了」,I look to you for help,「留心看照」,湯姆漢克斯說,我們Look to you,就像我們每年Look to others,所以她的意思是第二個,「關照」



Through your labors


因為Someone’s labors是一個專用詞,代表「某一段時期的努力」,After hours of working, I sat down and enjoyed the results of my labors. (工作幾個小時之後,我坐下來欣賞的努力的成果,下圖是一名婦女剛剛歷經難產,坐月子調養中,英文名叫:Rest From Your Labors,這個Labor是雙關語,生孩子和辛勞




Profit Churning

這句是商務術語,特別是在股票裡,基金經紀人不斷進出股市,目標不是客戶利益最大,而是拼命賺取自己的服務費,所以Profit講的是經紀人的ProfitChurning,不斷在股市裡攪動。電影華爾街之狼,李奧納多的啟蒙老師馬修麥康納(Matthew McConaughey)就是Profit Churning的大高手,教李奧納多必須讓投資人不停進出股市




湯姆漢克斯說,Fear is a profit churning go-to,這句考倒北京號稱英文大師,英文教學著作玲瑯滿目的江水壽(化名),居然還竄改湯姆漢克斯的原稿:

原稿:Fear is a profit churning go-to with a whole market being your whole family.

竄改:Fear is a profit churning that goes to with a whole market being your whole family.




1) 萬事通,也就是遇到問題,第一個想到的人,Go-to guy

2) 生活習以為常的東西,比方Go-to bag(平常用的包包)Go-to後來衍生成名詞,習以為常的東西,Someone’s go-to (某人的口頭禪),破產姐妹出現多次









1) 不要相信所謂的英語名師,唬爛居多

2) 不要迷信外師,因為他們不知怎麼向你解釋中文意思



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