#一頁書英文閱讀 Vanity Card #202
The Big Bang Theory 1-12
* 這集開始,把影集裡面比較有趣的詞彙整理放在文後,提供參考,可以比較美國人講話,和我們在學校裡學的差距有多大
Sheldon在這一集遇到比他更天才的15歲小男孩,讓他自信心崩潰,Chuck Lorre寫這一集,因為他有相同的人生經歷,他提出一條人生智慧,給大家參考:
【一頁書 關鍵字閱讀】
Tonight's story about Sheldon's ego being crushed following his encounter with a young prodigy has its roots in my own life.
Around 1974 I was playing guitar for a living in Miami Beach.
I was twenty-two years old and thought I was really something.
In the parlance of musicians, I felt I had some "serious chops."
Nights I played clubs, hotels, and private parties.
For a few months I worked in a lounge band on a cruise ship.
I even landed a day gig playing acoustic solo stuff at a coffee house in South Beach.
That was where a professor from the University of Miami saw me play, dug what I was doing, and invited me to audit his jazz guitar class at the university.
I happily accepted, thinking I might be able to teach the kids a thing or two.
I still remember the first class, me sitting in the back proudly holding my beat-up '64 Fender Strat, while the college students all cradled expensive Gibsons.
Of course, this only made me feel more smug.
I was a working musician.
These were rich kids in a rich school with instruments that daddy bought 'em.
But then something happened that would change my life forever.
A painfully shy, sixteen year old boy walked into the room.
He could barely speak nor make eye contact with anyone, seemed dwarfed by his big jazz guitar, and was ludicrously introduced as a visiting professor to the university.
His name was Pat Metheny.
I'll never forget how I felt when he began to play.
It was an imploding feeling, like the kind you get when your ego is being demolished like an old Vegas casino.
Thankfully, the feeling was accompanied by a soft, reassuring voice in my head that whispered, "Find work in television, nobody's a prodigy there."
Thirteen years later I listened to that voice (I may have been deluded, but I was no quitter). Oh, and Pat, if you happen to read this... thank you.
【一頁書 中文註釋】
Tonight's story about Sheldon's ego(自我) being crushed(粉碎) following his encounter(遇見) with a young prodigy(神童) has its roots(根源) in my own life.
Around 1974 I was playing guitar for a living(謀生) in Miami Beach.
I was twenty-two years old and thought I was really something(了不起).
In the parlance(用語、語調) of musicians, I felt I had some "serious chops."
Nights I played clubs, hotels, and private parties.
For a few months I worked in a lounge band(交誼廳樂隊) on a cruise ship(郵輪).
I even landed a day(待一天在陸地上) gig playing(演奏現代音樂) acoustic solo(個人音樂吉他表演) stuff at a coffee house in South Beach.
That was where a professor from the University of Miami saw me play, dug(探究) what I was doing, and invited me to audit(旁聽) his jazz guitar class at the university.
I happily accepted, thinking I might be able to teach the kids a thing or two(一兩手).
I still remember the first class, me sitting in the back proudly holding my beat-up(破舊的) '64 Fender Strat, while the college students all cradled(斜背) expensive Gibsons.
Of course, this only made me feel more smug(臭屁).
I was a working musician(有工作的音樂人).
These were rich kids in a rich school with instruments that daddy bought 'em.
But then something happened that would change my life forever.
A painfully shy(極度害羞), sixteen year old boy walked into the room.
He could barely speak nor make eye contact with anyone, seemed dwarfed(顯矮小) by his big jazz guitar, and was ludicrously(荒唐滑稽) introduced as a visiting professor(客座教授) to the university.
His name was Pat Metheny.
I'll never forget how I felt when he began to play.
It was an imploding(內心爆炸的) feeling, like the kind you get when your ego is being demolished(破壞) like an old Vegas casino.
Thankfully, the feeling was accompanied by a soft, reassuring(令人心安的) voice in my head that whispered, "Find work in television, nobody's a prodigy there."
Thirteen years later I listened to that voice (I may have been deluded(哄騙), but I was no quitter(不是懦夫)). Oh, and Pat, if you happen to read this... thank you.
【一頁書 中英對照】
Tonight's story about Sheldon's ego(自我) being crushed(粉碎) following his encounter(遇見) with a young prodigy(神童) has its roots(根源) in my own life.
Around 1974 I was playing guitar for a living(謀生) in Miami Beach.
I was twenty-two years old and thought I was really something(了不起).
In the parlance(用語、語調) of musicians, I felt I had some "serious chops."
Nights I played clubs, hotels, and private parties.
For a few months I worked in a lounge band(交誼廳樂隊) on a cruise ship(郵輪).
I even landed a day(待一天在陸地上) gig playing(演奏現代音樂) acoustic solo(個人音樂吉他表演) stuff at a coffee house in South Beach.
我甚至還下船待一天,在South Beach的一家咖啡廳表現個人吉他現代音樂演奏
That was where a professor from the University of Miami saw me play, dug(探究) what I was doing, and invited me to audit(旁聽) his jazz guitar class at the university.
I happily accepted, thinking I might be able to teach the kids a thing or two(一兩手).
I still remember the first class, me sitting in the back proudly holding my beat-up(破舊的) '64 Fender Strat, while the college students all cradled(斜背) expensive Gibsons.
我記得第一堂課,我坐在教室後面得意的抱著64年Fender Strat的舊吉他,其他大學生都是背著昂貴的Gibsons
Of course, this only made me feel more smug(臭屁).
I was a working musician(有工作的音樂人).
These were rich kids in a rich school with instruments that daddy bought 'em.
But then something happened that would change my life forever.
A painfully shy(極度害羞), sixteen year old boy walked into the room.
He could barely speak nor make eye contact with anyone, seemed dwarfed(顯矮小) by his big jazz guitar, and was ludicrously(荒唐滑稽) introduced as a visiting professor(客座教授) to the university.
His name was Pat Metheny.
他名叫Pat Metheny
I'll never forget how I felt when he began to play.
It was an imploding(內心爆炸的) feeling, like the kind you get when your ego is being demolished(破壞) like an old Vegas casino.
Thankfully, the feeling was accompanied by a soft, reassuring(令人心安的) voice in my head that whispered, "Find work in television, nobody's a prodigy there."
Thirteen years later I listened to that voice (I may have been deluded(哄騙), but I was no quitter(不是懦夫)).
Oh, and Pat, if you happen to read this... thank you.
The Jerusalem Duality
Sheldon becomes envious(忌妒) when he meets 15-year-old child prodigy(神童) Dennis Kim, who was invited to work at the university, and soon realizes that not only is Kim like Sheldon himself (a child prodigy, obnoxious, and arrogant), but is even smarter than he is.
Sheldon見到15歲神童Dennis Kim之後變得很忌妒,Kim被邀請來大學工作,Sheldon不久發現Kim不僅跟他很像(天才兒童、令人討厭、傲慢),甚至比他還聰明
Losing faith in(對…失去信心) his research, Sheldon annoys his friends by criticizing their work more than usual and contributing to(幫忙) their work.
Deciding his work in physics is useless, he aims for(以…為目標) the Nobel Peace Prize by attempting to solve the Middle East conflicts: he proposes(提案) the creation of an exact replica(複製品) of Jerusalem in the Mexican desert, which ends up(最終) in a giant failure.
The others, tired of Sheldon's behavior, decide to distract Dennis with girls of his age(同年齡).
At his welcome party, their plan works unexpectedly(意外奏效) and Dennis leaves with a blonde 15-year-old, using money to get her with him.
Sheldon resumes(恢復) his research while the others are perplexed at(迷惘) how easily Dennis was able to get a girl.
The guys spot(發現) Dennis drinking heavily(豪飲) and making out(親熱) in a park and feel sorry for him, but Sheldon mocks(嘲笑) Dennis in victory(勝利地).
Lay it on me
Sheldon準備對Leonard說一大套不切實際的科幻理論,Leonard無奈的說:”Lay it on me”,Lay something on someone是要求別人做人家不情願的事,所以Leonard的口氣是,「隨便你想怎麼對我都可以」,或,「都算在我頭上好了」
How about that!
物理系主任帶來一名15歲天才物理碩士,希望它加入博士班,說他是非常搶手的博士班候選人:A highly sought-after doctoral candidate
Look the other way
物理系主任答應15歲天才說,如果肯加入,同意睜一眼閉一眼,Look the other way,讓他拿20%的獎學金把爺爺從北韓偷渡來美國
You’re so damaged.
Penny同情Raj心理的缺陷,雙手抱著他說,你好受傷喔,Howard對Penny說,I’m also damaged,想要討抱,結果Penny叫Raj去抱他
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
莫札特全名,FALCO有一首經典舞曲Rock Me Amadeus,當年裡面的英文歌詞是Working Amadeus,原來是Wolfgang Amadeus被騙了快三十年…
An asterisk by someone’s name
Causal Link between … and …
Grade Point Average
即GPA,學業成績平均點數,美國採4點或5點制,Howard說,他15歲的時候迷上一個辣妹,結果Grade Point Average從5.x直直掉到1.x
因為Sheldon得到諾貝爾物理學獎的成功機會是零,prospects for the Nobel Prize,他決定改拿和平獎,把耶路薩冷複製到南美洲,這樣就能解決中東問題
To what end?
物理系教授問Sheldon把耶路薩冷複製到南美洲是「為了什麼目的?」To what end? Sheldon說,是為了得諾貝爾世界和平獎
Put out a spread
物理系教授質問Sheldon,憑什麼可以吸引猶太人到複製版的「南美耶路薩冷」?Sheldon天真的說,把這裡裝修的好看一點,Make it nice,然後辦桌請大家吃飯,Put out a spread;事實上,Spread是Spread of food的簡稱,一般是輕食,蛋糕點心果汁之類的,但也不一定,看情況
Leave it to chance
物理系辦一個歡迎會,歡迎15歲天才Kim加入,這群宅男打算介紹14-15女生給他認識,讓他分心,結果想不到Kim跟他們一樣,女生看不上眼,Leonard見這情況說,我們不能Leave it to chance,不能聽天由命,於是開始想辦法主動介紹女生給Kim
Moon over someone
Raj暗指他當年曾經Pathetically moon over a girl across the door,很悲哀地幻想對面的女生喜歡他,
On End
連續地 = Continuously
延續前面Raj講的話,他連續好幾個月換像對面的女孩子喜歡他moon over a girl for months on end
That was uncalled for
聽完Raj這樣自怨自艾後,大家心有戚戚,Leonard說,我們沒必要這麼做:That was uncalled for
Fall prey to something
Kim跟你一個女生勾搭上,離開會場,Sheldon笑他:Fall prey to inexplicable need for human contact (淪為與人類接觸的難以解釋的需求的犧牲品),Sheldon講話就是這麼繞口,Fall prey to有一個常見詞,比方交了爛男友又捨不得離開,可以這麼說:”She falls prey to a bad romance.”
Raj說,我們可能是因為太聰明,反而惹女生反感,So smart that’s off-putting
Let’s go with that.
Raj安慰大家說,因為我們太聰明才會惹女生反感,Howard說,好吧,就按照你說的是:Let’s go with that.