
Tom Hanks Addresses the Yale Class of 2011 (16-17)

* 按照順序聽六遍,聽力從0100


生活英語和高級英語的差異,在這兩段演講得到印證,第一段,湯姆漢克斯講一段笑話,平易近人,第二段跳回到Chuck Lorre說的, Metaphysical,好像在看道德經,玄之又玄


湯姆漢克斯說,美國之所以強大是因為多元化(diverse),多元化的原因是因為這塊土地的人民免於恐懼(free from fear),現在政客拿恐懼進行分化,違反美國創國精神,The American Cause,這是美國面臨的危機




《重點詞彙 16

Stasis ['stesɪs]





Tree Line









本意是把人打到殘廢,現在用來形容把某件事情打殘,使其不能在運作,比方藍綠惡鬥,打殘來台灣的未來,Crippled the future of Taiwan







Holy Days




《重點詞彙 17

Peddler of Influence

關說(Influence peddling)Peddle(小販)Peddler of influence, 利用個人影響力,影響政府官員,從利益團體那裡取的金錢的人。




Retribution [,rɛtrɪ'bjuʃən]




The American Cause












Part 16

《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》

《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

Three men found that they could no longer sleep because of their deep seeded fears.

This is a story I’m telling.

Their lives were in a state of stasis because of their constant worries.

So they set out on a pilgrimage to find a wise man, who lived high in the mountains, so high above the tree line that no vegetation grew, no animals lived, not even insects could be found so high up in the mountains in that thin air.

When they reached his cave, the first of the three said, “Help me, wise man, for my fear has crippled me.”

“What is your fear?” asked the wise man.

“I fear death” said the pilgrim, “I wonder when it is going to come for me.”

“Ah, death”, said the wise man, “Let me take away this fear, my friend. Death will not come to call until you are ready for its embrace. Know that and your fear will go away.”

“Well, this calmed the pilgrim’s mind and he feared death no longer.

The wise man turned to the second pilgrim and said, “What is you fear, my friend?”

“I fear my neighbors”, said the second pilgrim, “They are strangers, who observe holy days different than mine. They have way too many kids. They play music that sounds like noise.”

“Ah, strangers”, said the wise man, “I will take away this fear, my friend. Return to your home and make a cake for your new neighbors. Bring toys to their children. Join them in their songs, and learn their ways, and you will become familiar with these neighbors, and your fear will go away.”

The second man saw the wisdom in these simple instructions, and he knew he would no longer fear the family who were his neighbors.

There in the cave so high in the mountains that nothing could live, the wise man turned to the last pilgrim and asked of his fear.

“Oh, wise man, I fear spiders. When I try to sleep at night, I imagine spiders dropping from the ceiling, and crawling upon my flesh, and I cannot rest.”

“Ah, spiders”, said the wise man, “No, shit, why do you think I live way up here?”


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

Three men found that they could no longer sleep because of their deep seeded(根深蒂固的) fears.

This is a story I’m telling.

Their lives were in a state of stasis(停滯) because of their constant worries(不斷的憂慮).

So they set out(出發) on a pilgrimage(朝聖之旅) to find a wise man(智者), who lived high in the mountains, so high above the tree line(山上樹木最高點形成的界線) that no vegetation(植物) grew, no animals lived, not even insects(昆蟲) could be found so high up in the mountains in that thin air(稀薄的空氣).

When they reached(抵達) his cave(洞穴), the first of the three said, “Help me, wise man, for my fear has crippled(殘害) me.”

“What is your fear?” asked the wise man.

“I fear death” said the pilgrim(朝聖者), “I wonder(想知道) when it is going to come for me(衝著我來).”

“Ah, death”, said the wise man, “Let me take away this fear, my friend. Death will not come to call(過來招喚) until you are ready for its embrace(擁抱). Know that and your fear will go away(消失).”

Well, this calmed the pilgrim’s mind and he feared death no longer(不再怕死).

The wise man turned to(轉頭向) the second pilgrim and said, “What is you fear, my friend?”

“I fear my neighbors”, said the second pilgrim, “They are strangers, who observe(遵循) holy days(宗教節日) different than mine. They have way too many kids. They play music that sounds like noise.”

“Ah, strangers”, said the wise man, “I will take away this fear, my friend. Return to your home and make a cake for your new neighbors. Bring toys to their children. Join them in their songs, and learn their ways(學習他們的生活方式), and you will become familiar with these neighbors, and your fear will go away.”

The second man saw the wisdom(見證智慧) in these simple instructions(指示), and he knew he would no longer fear the family who were his neighbors.

There in the cave so high in the mountains that nothing could live, the wise man turned to the last pilgrim and asked of() his fear.

“Oh, wise man, I fear spiders. When I try to sleep at night, I imagine spiders dropping from the ceiling, and crawling upon(爬上) my flesh(血肉之軀), and I cannot rest.”

“Ah, spiders”, said the wise man, “No, shit,(不會吧、去你的) why do you think I live way up here?”


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

有三個人因為深度的deep seeded恐懼,晚上睡不著


因為長期的憂慮constant worries,他們的生活進入停滯的狀態stasis

於是他們展開set out朝聖之旅pilgrimage,尋找住在高山上的智者wise man,山非常高,高於樹線tree line,在這麼高空氣稀薄的thin air山上,沒有植物vegetation生長,沒有動物出沒,甚至沒有昆蟲insects



朝聖者pilgrim說,我怕死,我想知道wonder死亡哪天會衝著我來come for me

啊,死亡啊,智者說,我來帶走你的恐懼吧,朋友,其實在你還沒有準備好迎接它embrace之前,它是不會來找你的come to call,知道這點,你的恐懼就會消失go away

這番話安定了朝聖者的新,他不再害怕死亡feared death no longer

智者轉頭對turned to第二個朝聖者說,你在怕什麼,我的朋友?

我怕我的鄰居,第二個朝聖者這麼說,他們是陌生人,他們祭拜observe不同的節日holy days,他們的小朋友太多,他們放的音樂就像噪音

啊,陌生人,智者說,我會帶走你的恐懼,我的朋友,你回家做一塊蛋糕給新的鄰居,帶玩具給小朋友玩,和他們一起唱歌,學他們的生活方式learn their ways,你就會熟悉這些鄰居,然後你的恐懼就會消失

第二個人在這幾個簡單的指示instructions裡見證到智慧saw the wisdom,他知道自己不會再害怕隔壁的鄰居

洞穴在這麼高的山上,什麼都不能活,智者轉頭問asked of最後一個朝聖者怕什麼

喔,智者,我怕蜘蛛,每次我晚上睡覺的時候,就會想像蜘蛛從屋頂掉下來,在我的身上fleshcrawling upon,我根本無法休息



《聽力挑戰5 中英對照》

Three men found that they could no longer sleep because of their deep seeded(根深蒂固的) fears.



This is a story I’m telling.



Their lives were in a state of stasis(停滯) because of their constant worries(不斷的憂慮).



So they set out(出發) on a pilgrimage(朝聖之旅) to find a wise man(智者), who lived high in the mountains, so high above the tree line(山上樹木最高點形成的界線) that no vegetation(植物) grew, no animals lived, not even insects(昆蟲) could be found so high up in the mountains in that thin air(稀薄的空氣).



When they reached(抵達) his cave(洞穴), the first of the three said, “Help me, wise man, for my fear has crippled(殘害) me.”



“What is your fear?” asked the wise man.



“I fear death” said the pilgrim(朝聖者), “I wonder(想知道) when it is going to come for me(衝著我來).”



“Ah, death”, said the wise man, “Let me take away this fear, my friend. Death will not come to call(過來招喚) until you are ready for its embrace(擁抱). Know that and your fear will go away(消失).”



Well, this calmed the pilgrim’s mind and he feared death no longer(不再怕死).



The wise man turned to(轉頭向) the second pilgrim and said, “What is you fear, my friend?”



“I fear my neighbors”, said the second pilgrim, “They are strangers, who observe(遵循) holy days(宗教節日) different than mine. They have way too many kids. They play music that sounds like noise.”



“Ah, strangers”, said the wise man, “I will take away this fear, my friend. Return to your home and make a cake for your new neighbors. Bring toys to their children. Join them in their songs, and learn their ways(學習他們的生活方式), and you will become familiar with these neighbors, and your fear will go away.”



The second man saw the wisdom(見證智慧) in these simple instructions(指示), and he knew he would no longer fear the family who were his neighbors.



There in the cave so high in the mountains that nothing could live, the wise man turned to the last pilgrim and asked of() his fear.



“Oh, wise man, I fear spiders. When I try to sleep at night, I imagine spiders dropping from the ceiling, and crawling upon(爬上) my flesh(血肉之軀), and I cannot rest.”



“Ah, spiders”, said the wise man, “No, shit,(不會吧、去你的) why do you think I live way up here?”



《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》

Part 17

《聽力挑戰1 英文原聲》

《聽力挑戰2 英文原文》

Fear will get the worst of the best of us, and peddlers of influence count on that.

Throughout our nation’s constant struggle to create a more perfect union, establish justice, and ensure that everything in our domestic tranquility, we battle fear from outside our borders, from within our own hearts every day of our history.

Our nation came to despite the fear of retribution for treason from a kingdom across the sea.

America was made strong and diverse because here people could live free from the fears that made up their daily lives in whatever land they called the old country.

Our history books tell of conflicts taken up to free people from fear.

Those kept in slavery in our own states, and deliberate home nations under the rule of tyrants and theologies rooted in fear.

The American cause, at its best, has been the cultivation of the faith that declares we will all live in peace, when we are all free to worship as we choose, when we are free to express our hearts, and when we all seek a place free from fear.

But we live in a world where too many of us are too ready to believe things that do not exist.

Conspiracies abound.

Divisions are constructed, and the differences between us are not celebrated for making us stronger but calculated and programed to set us against each other.

Our faith is tested by unpredictable providence, and threatened when common sense is corrupted by specific interests.


《聽力訓練3 英文+中文提示》

Fear will get the worst of(取得最差的) the best of us(我們最好的), and peddlers of influence(關說者) count on(仰賴) that.

Throughout our nation’s constant struggle to create a more perfect union(統一), establish justice(司法), and ensure(確保) that everything in our domestic tranquility(國內平靜), we battle fear from outside our borders(邊境), from within our own hearts every day of our history.

Our nation came to despite(蔑視) the fear of retribution(懲罰) for treason(叛國) from a kingdom across the sea.

America was made strong and diverse(多元化) because here people could live free from the fears(活在沒有恐懼之中) that made up their daily lives(日常生活的一部份) in whatever land they called the old country(祖國).

Our history books tell of(描述) conflicts taken up(挑起) to free people from fear.

Those kept in slavery(奴役) in our own states and deliberate home nations under the rule of tyrants(暴君) and theologies(神學) rooted in fear(基於恐懼).

The American cause(美國精神), at its best(最佳的狀態), has been the cultivation of the faith that declares(聲明) we will all live in peace, when we are all free to worship as we choose, when we are free to express our hearts, and when we all seek a place free from fear.

But we live in a world where too many of us are too ready to believe(太容易相信) things that do not exist.

Conspiracies(陰謀) abound(充斥)

Divisions(分化) are constructed(建造), and the differences between us are not celebrated(慶祝) for making us stronger but calculated and programed(算計) to set us against each other.

Our faith is tested by unpredictable providence, and threatened when common sense is corrupted(腐化) by specific interests(特定利益).


《聽力訓練4 中譯+英文提示》

恐懼把我們最好的變成最糟的,關說說客peddlers of influence靠的count on就是這個

我們全國上下一直在努力創造更完善的統一聯邦union、建立司法justice、確保ensure國內平和domestic tranquility,歷史上每一天,我們和國境borders之外的恐懼戰鬥,也和我們的內心的恐懼戰鬥


美國之所以強大和多元diverse,是因為我們活在沒有恐懼之中,這恐懼是他們稱之為祖國old country的日常生活的一部份

歷史課本上描述tell of,挑起taken up衝突是為了讓百姓免於恐懼

那些在國內以及在處心積慮的deliberate母國受奴役的slavery,在暴君tyrants和神學theologies的統治之下,都是立基於恐懼rooted in fear

美國的精神The American cause,在最佳的情況at its best,是不斷培養其信念,倡言declares大家都應生活在和平裡,我們都有自由選擇我們所崇拜worship (的宗教),我們都有自由表達express自己的想法,我們都可以尋找到免於恐懼的地方

但是我們活在一個世界,人們太容易相信too ready to believe不存在的東西


分化Divisions被建立起來constructed,我們彼此間的不同不是被拿來慶賀我們會更強大,而是用來算計calculated and programed讓大家對立

不可預知的天意providence在考驗我們的信念,當我們的常識被特定的利益specific interests腐化corrupted,我們的信念受到威脅


《聽力挑戰5 中英對照》

Fear will get the worst of(取得最差的) the best of us(我們最好的), and peddlers of influence(關說者) count on(仰賴) that.



Throughout our nation’s constant struggle to create a more perfect union(統一), establish justice(司法), and ensure(確保) that everything in our domestic tranquility(國內平靜), we battle fear from outside our borders(邊境), from within our own hearts every day of our history.



Our nation came to despite(蔑視) the fear of retribution(懲罰) for treason(叛國) from a kingdom across the sea.



America was made strong and diverse(多元化) because here people could live free from the fears(活在沒有恐懼之中) that made up their daily lives(日常生活的一部份) in whatever land they called the old country(祖國).



Our history books tell of(描述) conflicts taken up(挑起) to free people from fear.



Those kept in slavery(奴役) in our own states and deliberate home nations under the rule of tyrants(暴君) and theologies(神學) rooted in fear(基於恐懼).



The American cause(美國精神), at its best(最佳的狀態), has been the cultivation of the faith that declares(聲明) we will all live in peace, when we are all free to worship as we choose, when we are free to express our hearts, and when we all seek a place free from fear.



But we live in a world where too many of us are too ready to believe(太容易相信) things that do not exist.



Conspiracies(陰謀) abound(充斥)



Divisions(分化) are constructed(建造), and the differences between us are not celebrated(慶祝) for making us stronger but calculated and programed(算計) to set us against each other.



Our faith is tested by unpredictable providence, and threatened when common sense is corrupted(腐化) by specific interests(特定利益).



《聽力挑戰6 英文原聲》

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