Pollinators Shape Plants to their Preference
By Christopher Intagliata on March 16, 2017


Honeybees are the charismatic(富有個人魅力的) microfauna(小動物) of the pollination(傳粉) world. But flies, bumblebees(大黃蜂), butterflies and moths - they all pollinate too. With varying degrees(不同程度) of success. The poorer ones are technically referred to as ‘inefficient pollinators.’ “Those that do visit but transfer very little pollen in their visit.” Florian Schiestl, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Zurich(瑞士蘇黎世大學).

Schiestl and his colleague grew field mustard plants(中國油菜), and exposed them to two types of pollinators: efficient bumblebees and inefficient hoverflies(食蚜蠅). After just 11 generations, they found that the plants visited by bumblebees were taller, twice as fragrant(兩倍的香氣), and reflected more UV light(紫外光) - a visual signal for bees. And those factors made the progeny(子孫) even more attractive to bumblebees at the end of the experiment: a sign the plants had adapted to(改變以適應/因應…) their pollinators' preferences.

But the plants that got a fly-by(低空貼近掠過) from the flies? They grew shorter. Less fragrant. And actually adapted to do more self-pollination. Because hoverflies are lousy(差勁的) pollinators. The study is in the journal Nature Communications.

So with honeybees in peril(遇到危險、遭受威脅), what happens if we lose them? “This will trigger an evolutionary response in the plants. For example, if flies take over as more important pollinators, as they used to be in the past, then very likely we'll have some evolutionary change going on." 

And if the change is self-pollination, that could be trouble. “Self-pollination leads to reduction of genetic variability(基因多樣化) in the population, and this can be a problem for the plants, because they have a reduced ability to evolve resistance against diseases.” Meaning that if we lose the pollinators, it’s the plants‘ genomes(某物種全部的基因) that may go to seed(落魄衰敗).


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