2 squared equals to 4 (2的平方是4)
to square a sheet of paper (把紙摺成方形)
to square the shoulders (抬頭挺胸)
to square the circle (把圓變方、做不可能的事)
to square table and chairs (把桌椅對正)
to square hat and clothes (整理穿著)
to square one’s behavior (改正行為)
動詞三「結清(帳目)」(= square up)
to square the running accounts(結清往來帳款)
to square the books (結清帳目)
to square the bill (買單)
to square the scores (追平比數)
to square the police (買通警察)
片語一:Square away
away = 一路,一路都square,全部都被收拾得妥妥當當。一般常用被動式:get things squared away.
片語二: Square off
We can't just wait and give enemy time to square off.
片語三:Square up
to square up the debt (還債)
to square up the bill (買單)
to square up to each other (雙方對峙)
* Square off和Square up差異
Square off強調的是打架之前的準備動作,擺開架式,Square up是擺開架式後雙方開始對峙。
片語四:Square with
It doesn’t square with my conscience.
It doesn’t square with the facts.
I can square it with my boss.