

怪叔叔是Creepy Uncle,不是Strange Uncle喔!

Creep除了令人起雞皮疙瘩的蜈蚣和電車痴漢,也有嚴肅的一面,比方慈濟「偏離使命」從大愛慢慢演變成斂財 – Mission Creep!

Creepy Uncle is Creeping Up On You

The Lonely Island合唱團三位人模人樣帥哥(都是作家),演搞笑MV出道,從不顧形象,2005年全美爆紅到現在。2011年這首The Creep (Do The Creep 裝怪胎),把Creep詮釋到極點~

do the creep  

δ 動詞Creep, 過去式Crept, 分詞Crept
δ 動詞Creep必須搭配介係詞使用
δ 動詞Creep有四層意思:
1) 緩慢向前爬行,如烏龜、毛蟲、汽車等
2) 靜悄悄小心前進、潛入,如小偷、軍隊偷襲等
3) 蔓延,如藤蔓、雲霧、思想、感情
4) 逐漸變形,如塑膠、金屬

※ 緩慢向前爬行
A caterpillar was creeping down my neck.
Babies are creeping on the grass.
Traffic creeps at rush hours.

creep baby  

※ 靜悄悄小心前進、潛入
Simpson crept downstairs to the kitchen.
Old age creeps upon me and I’m an old man.
The gas price's been creeping up for a while.
Jim crept onto the bed.

creep fiona  

※ 蔓延
The fog crept up from the wood.
The ivy creeps along the wall.
This creepy idea has been creeping all over the country.

creep ivy  

※ 逐漸變形(金屬或塑膠)
The plastic is creeping under high temperature.

creep plastic  


片語:Creep Up On someone/something

I feel something creeping up on me.

creep up on me  

I’m creeping up on you, baby!

creep up on you  

Fiona’s feelings for Jim had crept up on her.

creep up on her  

Creepin’ Up On You, Darren Hayes, 2002

creep up on darren  

片語:Creep (Up) To someone
She creeps (up) to anyone with fame and fortune.

creep up to fortune  

片語:Creep someone Out
The creepy woman crept people out.

creep out  

片語:Make someone’s Flesh Creep

Sadako’s glass stare makes my flesh creep.

creep flesh  

* Glass Stare, 眼球不動、呆呆看著某東西

creep glass  




常用詞:Give someone the Creeps
δ Creeps用複數,像蟲子爬滿身
This picture of Steve Jobs gives me the creeps.

creep photo  


政商術語:Mission Creep
δ1993年美國時代雜誌和華盛頓郵報同一天創此新詞(同記者),講述聯合國維和任務(UN Peacekeeping Mission)介入索馬利亞內戰,結果單純的人道救援變成血腥殺戮,偏離使命。
δ Mission Creep也使用在非軍事方面,比方慈濟成立初衷是「大愛」,後來偏離使命成「斂財」  

It was a case of mission creep for Tzu Chi Foundation from philanthropist to robber barons
philanthropist (慈善家)、robber barons(斂財王)

creep mission

科技術語:Feature Creep 或 Scope Creep
δ 原本簡單好用的產品,在不懂人性的工程師領導下,增加一堆不必要特色,弄得複雜、難用,比方2014年起科技公司一窩蜂搞物聯網,把簡單的手錶變成難以理解的智能錶,更誇張的是,每天得充電?! 不知這些科技大老的腦袋裝什麼?

creep feature  

科技術語:Function Creep
δ 產品被拿來當作其他完全不同用途,多半是無心插柳,比方西瓜刀變成成砍人專用武器;有些是刻意的,比方倫敦市政府用反恐名義四處裝監視器,實際用途卻是監視老百姓,引起群眾運動抗議 -「One Nation Under CCTV(受監視的國家)」

creep function  

地質術語:Soil Creep
δ Creep是因為土質水分流失造成土石緩慢的鬆動和下陷
Soil creep is a very slow form of mass wasting.

creep soil  

δ 怪叔叔,英文Creepy Uncle

Please meet my “Creepy Uncle.”

creepy uncle  

This place is creepy at night.

creepy place  


creepy clawly 1  

I have a creepy-crawly feeling.
δ 由於畫面太噁心,改用會意圖

creepy clawly 2  



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    Verb Master

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