
Cursed with expensive taste and a low budget

I was cursed with expensive taste and a low budget,我品味超高、薪水超低,是追求時尚城市灰姑娘的生活寫照。電影「小姐好窮」,From Prada To Nada (2011),一對被寵壞的姊妹花,老爸忽然升天,被人從比佛利豪宅趕出來,一夜之間身無分文,雖然沒錢,但是小姐的品味不變,能穿能戴就是不能買,痛苦!

這裡的Cursed是被動式,被下詛咒都是痛苦的,所以be cursed with就變成專用詞「受苦受難」

cursed with poor  



∂ 下詛咒 put a curse (on someone/something)
Someone must've put a curse on this apartment.

curse apartment  

∂ 施詛咒 pronounce a curse (on someone)
An oath was pronouncing a curse upon oneself if the truth was not spoken.
* 所以閩南語的發誓就叫做詛咒

curse oath    

∂ 念咒語 mutter a curse
Something magical would happen when you mutter this curse.

curse mutter  

罵人的Curse罵得有點毒,通常帶髒字(Curse Word),有以下Curse的方式:

1) 低聲暗罵 mutter a curse
The kid muttered a curse under his breath.

curse mutter 2  

2) 發出罵人字眼 emit a curse word
She emitted a curse word at the speech.

curse emit  

3) 大聲咒罵 utter a curse
He uttered a curse after hanging up the phone.

curse utter  


My family name turned out to be a curse, not a blessing.

curse family  

Loneliness is a curse of modern society.

curse lonely  


Curse someone/something,下詛咒
He cursed Shakira and turned her into a shewolf.

curse wolf  

片語:Curse at someone/something
I cursed inwardly at my own stupidity.
She cursed silently under her breath at me.

curse at  

片語:Curse someone For something
I cursed myself for my carelessness.
They cursed me for not lending the money.

curse myself  

常用詞:Cursed with something
I was cursed with health problems.

cursed with   


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