
How dare you dare me when I “how dare you?”

根據真實電影絕命追殺令(The Fugitive 1993)改編的搞笑電影決命錯殺令(Wrongfully Accused 1998),一段男主角Harrison(萊斯里尼爾森模仿哈里遜福特)和獄警的互槓,是Dare的經典教材

how dare you  

哈里遜: I'm not going to take it any longer. I'm going to fight back. I am going to prove that I am not guilty.
警衛: Shut up!
哈里遜: No! I've been wrongfully accused.

* Guard hits Harrison with a baton

哈里遜: How dare you, sir?
警衛: How dare you?
哈里遜: No, how dare you?
警衛: No, no, how dare you?
哈里遜: How dare you "no, no" my "how dare you?
警衛: You dare to dare me?
哈里遜: How dare you "how dare me", when I "how dare you?", you big pee-pee head!


R: Dare you love me?
J: I wouldn’t dare.
R: I hardly dared hope I will be loved.
J: Only idiot would dare to love you.
R: I daren’t think so.

dare love me  

常用詞:Dare something
Will you dare my challenge?
She dares any difficult tasks.

dare diffi  

常用詞:Dare someone

∂ 語帶威脅慫恿人,反話,若當真麻煩就大了
Say that again. I dare you. I double dare you!
Go on. I dare you to eat my cake.

dare you  

∂ 用「激將法」慫恿人,通常是要人做丟臉或危險的事
They dared Jim to ask the new girl out.
They dared Jim to drink a whole bottle of whiskey.
Give me ten more. I dare you!

dare you 2  

常用詞:How dare you…
How dare you talk back to me!
How dare you say Twilight is better than us!

dare say  

常用詞:Don’t you dare…
Don’t you dare look down on me!
Don’t you dare close your eyes!

dare close eyes  

※ I dare say 和 Dare I say 區別

I Dare Say…我敢這麼講,可以用I daresay…
I daresay I was the worst bed partner in five continents.

* 語自Martha Gellhorn,美國小說家、海明威第三任妻子、美國二十世紀最偉大戰地記者

Dare I Say,恕我斗膽
You were, dare I say, the worst bed partner in five continents.



遊戲專用詞:Truth or Dare,真心話大冒險

dare truth  


It was a daring rescue attempt.

daring rescue  

Hsu Chi got a daring look.

daring look  

It is a daring building.

daring building  

The flower girl’s daring move goes viral.

daring move  

Your daring may have cost your life.



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