He’s not much to look at.
(他長得實在不怎麼樣 – Ice Age 2002)
He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family guy.
Tell me about it. All the sensitive ones get eaten.
Not much to look at,沒啥好看的,指相貌等,強尼戴普在全面進化也講了這句話,請參閱內文~
動詞Look,除了看(Look at)和尋找(Look for),還有許多不同的Look
Look Bad/Stupid
* 用make someone look bad或look stupid
Your performance makes me look bad.
Your words make me look stupid.
Looking Good
情況很看好、進度很理想 (= look promising)
* 反義looking bad
Your future is looking good.
Look in the eye/eyes
* 單數的eye和複數的eyes,感受不同
* 單數的eye,用詞嚴厲,看著我眼睛說話
* 複數的eyes,語氣溫和,請看著我的眼睛
Look me in the eye and say that again!
When you look me in the eyes, I see heaven.
常用詞:Look the other way
The guards looked the other way as he was beaten up by fellow prisoners.
You may choose to look the other way but you can’t say you did not know.
常用詞:Look no further
* 推銷用語
Look no further. Best rate guaranteed.
Looking for a new job? Look no further!
Dr. Sun was a forward-looking Chinese statesman.
* 只關心和自己切身有關的事情,不理會外界變化,如清朝閉關自守和台…
Mao Zedong was a inward-looking politician.
常用片語:Look Forward To something
期待 (= anticipate something)
* 此片語最常出錯在to後面,必須接名詞或doing動名詞
I’m looking forward to it.
I’m looking forward to seeing you again.
常用片語:Look To do something
計畫要、預期要(= plan to, expect to)
* 此片語常常和look forward to混淆
* Look forward to是被動的期待,Look to是主動的預期
I look to hear from them within a week.
It looks to be a very difficult job.
We are looking to buy a new house.
常用片語:Look To someone
指望、仰賴 (= depend on someone)
God, I look to you.
I look to the bank for the loan.
We’re looking to you to make a difference.
常用片語:Look To something
照料、看管 (= pay attention to, take care of)
You have to look to your own affairs.
Look to the future.
常用片語:Look Up To someone
崇拜或尊敬某人( = admire)
She looks up to the rich and famous.
The younger need someone to look up to in order to make sure of their own life.
【Look 搭配介係詞On】
常用片語:Look On
* Look on不一定是袖手旁觀,比方父母在一旁看小朋友們玩耍、警方在一旁待命
* Onlooker,旁觀者
While the lion cubs played, the lioness looked on contentedly.
The police officers looked on while the beating took place.
常用片語:Look On someone
* 也可以用look upon
* 搭配介係詞as
She looked on me as a good friend.
They looked on Jim as an idiot.
(他們認為Jim是白癡 – 美國派2)
常用片語:Look Down On someone
Never look down on someone unless you’re helping them up.
People who look down on others don’t end up being looked up to.
【Look 搭配介係詞Out】
常用片語:Look Out something
* 從一堆東西找需要的
I will look out some of my DVDs for you.
常用片語:Look Out for something
留意、照料 (= pay attentions to)
Look out for moving vehicles.
Look out for my kids while they arrive at Jurassic World.
常用詞:Look out!
小心!(= Watch out!)
Look out! It’s a trap.
常用片語:On the Lookout
We have to be on the lookout for any new business opportunities.
The police are on the lookout for a sex offender.
常用片語:Keep a Lookout
* keep a lookout是身處於危險當中的on the lookout
American soldiers keep a lookout for enemy aircraft.
Justin Bieber does illegal graffiti while his body guards keep a lookout.
【Look 搭配介係詞Up】
常用片語:Looking Up
Things are looking up!
To those who don’t look down, things are always looking up.
常用片語:Look Up something
* Look up的受詞是你不懂的東西
* 查字典,很容易誤寫成Look up dictionary,正確的是Look up a word in the dictionary
Look the word up in the dictionary.
Look up the answer from Google.
Never memorize something that you can look up.
(查得到的就不要浪費腦力記憶 愛因斯坦)
常用片語:Look Up someone
* Look up通常是去探望一位離鄉背井的人
Don’t forget to look me up when you come to Kingmen.
【Look 搭配介係詞Through】
常用片語:Look Through something
I’ve looked through the newspaper but I can’t find the news.
常用片語:Look Through someone
I saw Fiona in the street and she looked straight through me.
You can look through me, but you can’t look inside me.
【Look 搭配其他介係詞】
常用片語:Look After,照顧
I can look after myself.
常用片語:Look Ahead
It’s better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret.
常用片語:Look Around For something
She starts to look around for a new job.
Look around for a place to sow a few seeds.
常用片語:Look Back,回頭想、反思
* 搭配介係詞on
When I looked back on those days, I still can’t realize why you were so mad at me.
Looking back on it, you didn’t deserve me.
常用片語:Look Over something
Have you got a few minutes to look over the samples?
常用詞:Not much to look at
This place is not much to look at but it’s a perfect place for our lab.
(這地方實在不怎麼樣,卻是我們實驗室最佳地點 – 全面進化2014)
常用詞:Look for trouble
Looking for trouble? Look no further.
常用詞:Take a Look,瞧一瞧
* 搭配介係詞at,仔細瞧瞧
* 搭配介係詞around,四周瞧瞧
I took a quick look at her report.
I took a long hard look at her proposal.
Take a good look at yourself.
Son, take a good look around. This is your hometown.
* Bruce Springsteen, My Hometown, 1983
常用詞:Give someone a Look,給人臭臉
* 通常是給臭臉、輕蔑的眼神,dirty look, nasty look
She’s been giving me dirty looks all morning.
常用詞:I don’t like the Look of it
Let’s go now. I don’t like the look of it.
常用詞:by the look of it
She is a nice person by the look of it.
He seems quite full by the look of it.
* 必須用複數
* Good Looks,美貌 (不分男女)
Good looks fade, but a good heart keeps you beautiful forever.
When Fiona lost her looks, she found it hard to live her life.
I’ve got the brains, you’ve got the looks. Let’s make lots of money.
* Pet Shop Boys, Opportunities, 1985
常用詞:Give someone a New Look,改觀
This hairstyle will give you a new look.
This photo will give you a new look at Ethiopia.
常用詞:New Look,改頭換面、全新的氣象
* 可當形容詞用,改頭換面的
It’s a new-look sales team.
It’s a new-look Expendables.