Ugly,不光是醜(bad-looking),而且醜得很暴力(violent)、醜得很邪惡(hideous)、醜得一發不可收拾(things get ugly)!
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
(好人、壞人、邪惡的人 - 黃昏三鏢客1966)
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly是克林伊斯威特荒野大鏢客(The Man with No Name)系列第三部,被公認是三部曲最好的一部。
電影的角色除了正派(The Good)和反派(The Bad),還有表面正派內心反派,稱為邪派(The Ugly);現實生活裡,沒有絕對的好人,也沒有絕對的壞人,每個人的內心都有好心(Good)、壞心(Bad)、惡毒的心(Ugly)。
Good and Ugly這個詞經常出現在公司檢討會議,主持人鼓勵大家除了講好的,不好的也大膽說出來:
What’s your opinion on me? Good and Ugly.
常用詞:Feel Ugly,覺得醜、覺得糟糕
She makes me feel dowdy and ugly.
* dowdy,['daudi],穿著土
Sometimes I feel ugly, but then I think of you and get over it.
* get over it,釋懷
常用詞:Get Ugly
Don’t get me upset or things are gonna get ugly.
Things get ugly when they start the baseball fight.
常用詞:Ugly on the inside
She’s is pretty on the outside and ugly on the inside.
Some people are ugly on the outside and even uglier on the inside.
Make-up doesn’t help if you’re ugly on the inside, unless you eat it.
(化妝品對內心醜陋沒用,除非你吃了它 -奧黛麗赫本)
常用詞:As Ugly As Sin
* sin,罪惡
The Buddha statues in this temple are as ugly as sin.
(這間廟的佛像真是巨醜無比 –北京李岩松
常用詞:Ugly Duckling
* 開始不怎地,後來出類拔萃
* duckling, ['dʌklɪŋ], 小鴨子
I grew up feeling like an ugly duckling, and things have not changed that much.
The key to big profits is buying ugly ducklings before they become swans!
Ugly Face,醜的一張臉
Ugly Temper,壞脾氣
Ugly Remark,令人不悅的評論
Ugly Wound,嚴重的傷口
Ugly Weather,惡劣的天候
Ugly Situation,糟糕的情況
Ugly Scene,令人不快的場面
Ugly Mood,惡劣的心情