除了刷牙(brush the teeth),該怎麼說拔牙、長牙、咬牙、暴牙?
今天的主題是大家說英語八月十七日:Take Care of Your Teeth(一)
The Wolverine grits his teeth through the pain.
(金鋼狼咬緊牙關忍住疼痛 X-Man)
【大家說英語 Aug 17th】
Dentist(牙醫), Tooth(牙齒), Brush(刷子), Floss(牙線), Toothpaste(牙膏)
* The Dentist,牙醫院
* The Dentist’s,牙醫院
I’m going to the dentist’s tomorrow.
刷牙:Brush the teeth
刷掉麵包屑:Brush the crumbs off my shirt
用牙線清牙齒:Floss the teeth
牙線:Dental Floss,簡稱Floss
* Paste,漿糊等膏狀物,[pest]
【Tooth 專論】
* 複數Teeth,[tiθ]
拔牙:have the tooth out
I went to the dentist to have my tooth out.
長牙齒:cut a tooth
The baby is cutting a tooth.
用牙咬:sink the teeth into
* sink,沉沒,過去式sank
A vampire sank her teeth into my neck.
磨牙:Grind the Teeth
* Grind,磨,[ɡraɪnd],過去式Ground,[ɡraʊnd]
Teeth grinding is very common in children under 7.
咬牙切齒:clench the teeth
* 生氣的時候
* clench,緊握,[klɛntʃ]
She spoke through clenched teeth.
牙齒打冷顫:chatter the teeth
* 天冷落水,牙齒打冷顫
* chatter,吱吱叫,['tʃætɚ]
They were out in the snow with chattering teeth.
咬緊牙關:Grit the teeth
* 用在下定決心,咬緊牙關撐過去
* Grit,研磨,[ɡrɪt]
* Grit the teeth專門用在咬緊牙關,比磨牙Grind the teeth更用力
It hurts, but Wolverine grits his teeth.
常用詞:Fight Tooth and Nail,拚老命
They fought tooth and nail to win the game.
常用詞:Get your Teeth into something
I can’t wait to get my teeth into the watermelon.
常用詞:Have a Sweet Tooth
She surely has a sweet tooth.
慣用詞:Give an Eye Tooth for something
* Eye Tooth,像牙齒般的眼睛
I’ll give my eye teeth to study in the US.
政商詞:Have Teeth,擁有實權
We need a department who really has teeth.
名詞:Buck Teeth,暴牙
* Buck,公兔,[bʌk]
名詞:False Teeth,假牙
* False,假的,[fɔls]
名詞:Baby Tooth,乳牙
名詞:Wisdom Tooth,智齒
名詞:Fine-Tooth Comb,細齒梳子
* 細密的梳子,引申為「非常小心謹慎地審查」
The police went over the crime scene with a find-tooth comb.