Be In This Moment (4), Dick Costolo
I continued to stay in Chicago and improvised there for many years and ultimately got lots of auditions for shows and got all none of them. Fortunately during this time, the Internet happened and that was great because when the Internet happened – I know it’s funny to you guys. When I was your age, we didn’t have Internet in our pants. We didn’t even have the Internet not in our pants. That’s how bad it was. I know I sound like my grandfather right now. “We didn’t have teeth. There were no question marks. We just had words.”
What was I talking about? The Internet. So I dove into the Internet because I saw it’s this extensible structure that had these amazing possibilities and I created a sequence of companies over the course of the next 20 years that led me to Twitter. If there’s ever an example of the importance of making gold bets and focusing on what you love, it’s Twitter.
When Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey talks about the origins of his thinking for the product, he talks about his fascination with maps. He talks about his ultimate fascination with dispatch systems as he studied maps and the more efficient way of getting things like taxis and ambulances to where they need to go more quickly.
And when he sent out his first tweet, “Just setting up my Twitter,” he didn’t plan for President Obama to declare victory on that platform in the 2012 election. None of us at Twitter thought during the earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Fukushima, Japan that our service would be a great alternative communication platform if the mobile networks in Japan were spotty in the aftermath. And certainly none of us even hoped, let alone considered, that our platform would be one of those used to organize protests across the Middle East in Tunisia and in Egypt during the Arab Spring.
I continued to stay in Chicago and improvised there for many years and ultimately got lots of auditions for shows and got all none of them. Fortunately during this time, the Internet happened and that was great because when the Internet happened – I know it’s funny to you guys. When I was your age, we didn’t have Internet in our pants. We didn’t even have the Internet not in our pants. That’s how bad it was. I know I sound like my grandfather right now. “We didn’t have teeth. There were no question marks we just had words.”
What was I talking about? The Internet. So I dove into the Internet because I saw it’s this extensible structure that had these amazing possibilities and I created a sequence of companies over the course of the next 20 years that led me to Twitter. If there’s ever an example of the importance of making gold bets and focusing on what you love, it’s Twitter.
When Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey talks about the origins of his thinking for the product, he talks about his fascination with maps. He talks about his ultimate fascination with dispatch systems as he studied maps and the more efficient way of getting things like taxis and ambulances to where they need to go more quickly.
And when he sent out his first tweet, “Just setting up my Twitter,” he didn’t plan for President Obama to declare victory on that platform in the 2012 election. None of us at Twitter thought during the earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Fukushima, Japan that our service would be a great alternative communication platform if the mobile networks in Japan were spotty in the aftermath. And certainly none of us even hoped, let alone considered, that our platform would be one of those used to organize protests across the Middle East in Tunisia and in Egypt during the Arab Spring.
我繼續待在芝加哥做即興表演(improvise)多年,最終得到不少面試機會(audition),但是一個都沒有錄取(got all none of them),很幸運就在這時候出現了互聯網,這很棒,因為當互聯網出現,(現場爆笑),我知道你們覺得很白癡,當我和你們一樣大的時候(your age),我們的口袋裡根本沒有互聯網(in our pants),甚至連別人的口袋裡也沒有互聯網,很不幸吧(that’s how bad it was),我知道我現在口氣就像我阿公,「我們沒有牙齒,不用多問(no question marks),我們當然只能講話」
我講到那兒了?喔,互聯網,所以我一頭栽進(dive into)互聯網世界,因為我見到它可延伸的架構(extensible structure)具有驚人的機會(amazing possibilities),所以我在接下來的20年(over the course of the next 20 years)開了一系列公司(a sequence of),因而引領我加入推特,如果有下重注(make gold bets)專心致力於你所熱愛的經典範例,就是推特。
當推特的共同創辦人Jack Dorsey跟我講他對這產品的原始想法(origins of his thinking)的時候,他提起他對地圖的著迷(fascination),他的終極狂熱(ultimate fascination)是所謂的派遣系統(dispatch systems),也就是他在研究地圖的時候,有什麼方法能比計程車或救護車更有效率(more efficient way)、更快的(go more quickly)送到指定地點。
當他發送(sent out)他第一則推文(tweet):「剛剛成立了推特」,他從沒想過幫(not plan for)歐巴馬總統在2012年大選的講台上(platform)發表宣布勝選(declare victory),我們推特沒有一個人料到,日本福島(Fukushima)的地震和隨之而來的海嘯(ensuing tsunami),災後(aftermath)零零落落(spotty)的手機通訊網絡,我們的服務居然成為最佳的替代通訊平台(a great alternative communication platform);當然,我們絕對沒有人希望,更別提設想(let alone considered),我們的平台居然會在中東突尼西亞和埃及用在組織反抗(organize protests)的阿拉伯之春。
I continued to stay in Chicago and improvised there for many years and ultimately got lots of auditions for shows and got all none of them. Fortunately during this time, the Internet happened and that was great because when the Internet happened – I know it’s funny to you guys. When I was your age, we didn’t have Internet in our pants. We didn’t even have the Internet not in our pants. That’s how bad it was. I know I sound like my grandfather right now. “We didn’t have teeth. There were no question marks we just had words.”
我繼續待在芝加哥做即興表演(improvise)多年,最終得到不少面試機會(audition),但是一個都沒有錄取(got all none of them),很幸運就在這時候出現了互聯網,這很棒,因為當互聯網出現,(現場爆笑),我知道你們覺得很白癡,當我和你們一樣大的時候(your age),我們的口袋裡根本沒有互聯網(in our pants),甚至連別人的口袋裡也沒有互聯網,很不幸吧(that’s how bad it was),我知道我現在口氣就像我阿公,「我們沒有牙齒,不用多問(no question marks),我們當然只能講話」
What was I talking about? The Internet. So I dove into the Internet because I saw it’s this extensible structure that had these amazing possibilities and I created a sequence of companies over the course of the next 20 years that led me to Twitter. If there’s ever an example of the importance of making gold bets and focusing on what you love, it’s Twitter.
我講到那兒了?喔,互聯網,所以我一頭栽進(dive into)互聯網世界,因為我見到它可延伸的架構(extensible structure)具有驚人的機會(amazing possibilities),所以我在接下來的20年(over the course of the next 20 years)開了一系列公司(a sequence of),因而引領我加入推特,如果有下重注(make gold bets)專心致力於你所熱愛的經典範例,就是推特。
When Twitter cofounder Jack Dorsey talks about the origins of his thinking for the product, he talks about his fascination with maps. He talks about his ultimate fascination with dispatch systems as he studied maps and the more efficient way of getting things like taxis and ambulances to where they need to go more quickly.
當推特的共同創辦人Jack Dorsey跟我講他對這產品的原始想法(origins of his thinking)的時候,他提起他對地圖的著迷(fascination),他的終極狂熱(ultimate fascination)是所謂的派遣系統(dispatch systems),也就是他在研究地圖的時候,有什麼方法能比計程車或救護車更有效率(more efficient way)、更快的(go more quickly)送到指定地點。
And when he sent out his first tweet, “Just setting up my Twitter,” he didn’t plan for President Obama to declare victory on that platform in the 2012 election. None of us at Twitter thought during the earthquake and ensuing tsunami in Fukushima, Japan that our service would be a great alternative communication platform if the mobile networks in Japan were spotty in the aftermath. And certainly none of us even hoped, let alone considered, that our platform would be one of those used to organize protests across the Middle East in Tunisia and in Egypt during the Arab Spring.
當他發送(sent out)他第一則推文(tweet):「剛剛成立了推特」,他從沒想過幫(not plan for)歐巴馬總統在2012年大選的講台上(platform)發表宣布勝選(declare victory),我們推特沒有一個人料到,日本福島(Fukushima)的地震和隨之而來的海嘯(ensuing tsunami),災後(aftermath)零零落落(spotty)的手機通訊網絡,我們的服務居然成為最佳的替代通訊平台(a great alternative communication platform);當然,我們絕對沒有人希望,更別提設想(let alone considered),我們的平台居然會在中東突尼西亞和埃及用在組織反抗(organize protests)的阿拉伯之春。