#關鍵字閱讀 空中英語教室

2016 Sep 5-6 Are Your Photos Private?


1) 別為這件事不爽,沒啥大不了的(upset)

2) 妳現在在小題大作(deal)

3) 不過是被人稱為學霸而已(tag)

4) 是你自己不管別人的感受(regard)

5) 下次提出這樣的請求請先三思(think)

* 本故事純屬虛構,如有雷同,那就是真的


Round 1 中文關鍵字閱讀】

Are Your Photos Private?

People may know more about you than you realize

Sept 5th

Ted and Bill are college classmates.

Ted: Hey, Bill! Did you have a nice weekend?

Bill: Yeah. I went hiking(去健行) all day Saturday. It sure looked like(看起來一定是…) you had fun(開心) on your date(約會) with Maria.

Ted: How do you know about that? I didn’t tell anyone.

Bill: Don’t get upset(不爽). I saw a picture of the two of you online(在網上).

Ted: Who could have(有誰會去…) posted it(張貼…)? We had dinner with Maria’s family, and then the two of us went to see a movie(去看電影).

Bill: I don’t remember which social network site(社群網站) I saw the photo on. Oh, I remember. It was Instagram! Maria’s sister posted it.

Ted: I can’t believe she posted the picture she took of(她拍的照片) Maria and me! I don’t like it when(我不喜歡…) people post my picture without asking my permission(許可).

Bill: Don’t let it bother(困擾) you. It’s not a big deal(大事). It was a nice photo.

Ted: I may not think so(我不太認同)! She didn’t even tag me(標註我) in it! How am I supposed to(能夠…) know whether I look good or not unless(或者除非) I see it?



1) Upset




2) Instagram




3) Tag

Tag本意是標籤,動詞是貼標籤,比方,她被人稱作學霸She was tagged as a Smart Ass,在美國,在牆上塗鴉稱為Tag the walls



Sept 6th

Bill: You’re making a big deal out of nothing(小題大作). People should be free to post the pictures they take.

Ted: No way. That shows they have no regard for(不理會) a person’s privacy.

Bill: Ted, you know that you can adjust(調整) the settings(參數設定), right? You can make some pictures private.

Ted: Not all the time, and not in all forms of(各種形式的) social media. Besides, I didn’t post the picture!

Bill: Well, then, it looks like you need to specify(明確說明) when not to post a picture.

Ted: But that is so much trouble(好麻煩). Can you imagine telling every person not to post your picture?

Bill: Yeah. That would be really hard to manage(難以掌控).

Ted: I suppose I do need to try to understand what privacy really means on social media. I just wish people would ask permission(徵求同意) before posting stuff.

Bill: Or maybe they think that your allowing them to take a photo gives them permission. You should think twice(三思) before letting people take your picture.

Ted: That is not a very reasonable way(合理的方式) to live.

Bill: It is now!



1) Specify ['spɛsɪfaɪ]

用很明確、很詳細的方式來說明一件事,被動型態Specified當形容詞用,相當常見,比方a specified number of the price(訂價)



2) Think Twice

我們常講的要三思,美國人只要兩思,常用的片語是Think twice before you doing something




Round 2 英文關鍵字閱讀

Are Your Photos Private?

People may know more about you than you realize

Sept 5th

Ted and Bill are college classmates.

Ted: Hey, Bill! Did you have a nice weekend?

Bill: Yeah. I went hiking all day Saturday. It sure looked like you had fun on your date with Maria.

Ted: How do you know about that? I didn’t tell anyone.

Bill: Don’t get upset. I saw a picture of the two of you online.

Ted: Who could have posted it? We had dinner with Maria’s family, and then the two of us went to see a movie.

Bill: I don’t remember which social network site I saw the photo on. Oh, I remember. It was Instagram! Maria’s sister posted it.

Ted: I can’t believe she posted the picture she took of Maria and me! I don’t like it when people post my picture without asking my permission.

Bill: Don’t let it bother you. It’s not a big deal. It was a nice photo.

Ted: I may not think so! She didn’t even tag me in it! How am I supposed to know whether I look good or not unless I see it?


Sept 6th

Bill: You’re making a big deal out of nothing. People should be free to post the pictures they take.

Ted: No way. That shows they have no regard for a person’s privacy.

Bill: Ted, you know that you can adjust the settings, right? You can make some pictures private.

Ted: Not all the time, and not in all forms of social media. Besides, I didn’t post the picture!

Bill: Well, then, it looks like you need to specify when not to post a picture.

Ted: But that is so much trouble. Can you imagine telling every person not to post your picture?

Bill: Yeah. That would be really hard to manage.

Ted: I suppose I do need to try to understand what privacy really means on social media. I just wish people would ask permission before posting stuff.

Bill: Or maybe they think that your allowing them to take a photo gives them permission. You should think twice before letting people take your picture.

Ted: That is not a very reasonable way to live.

Bill: It is now!


Round 聽力閱讀】

Sept 5th

Sept 6th



1) 別為這件事不爽,沒啥大不了的(upset)

Don’t get upset about it. It’s not a big deal.

2) 妳現在在小題大作(deal)

You’re making it a big deal out of nothing.

3) 不過是被人稱為學霸而已(tag)

You were just being tagged as a Smart Ass.

4) 是你自己不管別人的感受(regard)

You had no regard for other people’s feelings.

5) 下次提出這樣的請求請先三思(think)

Next time, think twice before making this kind of permission.



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