#關鍵字聽力閱讀 空中英語教室

2016 Sep 12-13 What Do You See In The Mirror



這一篇有三個重要片語:struggle withbe consumed with,feel bad about, 因為空英沒有說明,所以在此補充


1) 故事一切都是從照鏡子開始(start)

2) 對你的長相我感到很難過(bad)

3) 你沒必要跟鏡子裡的你搏鬥(struggle)

4) 我說喜歡你原來的樣子是為了安慰你(way, kind)

5) 這種想法吞噬了我(consume)

6) 我終於明白,其實我喜歡的是你的錢(come to understand)


Round 1 英文關鍵字閱讀】

Sept 12th

What Do You See in the Mirror

If you could think of one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

“I’m not very pretty. I am too fat. How can anyone like my personality?”

These thoughts followed me as I slowly walked away from the mirror.

When I was 12, I struggled with my self-image.

Every day I stared into the mirror hoping to see a beautiful girl.

But sadly, in my eyes, I saw an ugly, fat girl instead.

For the next few years, I was consumed with my appearance.

It had all started when someone told me that I was fat.

It was a lie, but I believed it.

It took years for me to realized that I am beautiful inside and out, and one-of-a-kind.

Jesus, God’s son, helped me to do that.

I have come to understand that I am valuable and precious, just like a princess.

Unfortunately, my story is pretty common.

Many people have had a similar experience.

It takes only one lie to transform the way that a person sees himself or herself.


Sept 13th

The problem

For this reason, many people struggle with their self-image.

One study reports that up to 70 percent of 6- to 12-year-olds think they are too fat.

Research shows that girls are more afraid of getting fat than of getting cancer.

Media influence

Television and peer pressure influence the way young people see themselves.

TV, movies and magazines show what the “perfect” body should look like.

Many times when people, especially girls, see these images, they feel bad about themselves.

Instead of looking at a media image and feeling bad, develop a healthy view of yourself.

Building a positive self-image

# Write down all your positive qualities.

# Stop comparing yourself to other people.

# Focus on the areas in your life that you are good at.

# Be positive about yourself and your abilities.

# Remember, you are unique.

# Look for ways to encourage other people.

No matter what people say, remember, you are perfect just the way that you are.


Round 2 中文關鍵字閱讀】

Sept 12th

What Do You See in the Mirror

If you could think of(想出來) one word to describe yourself, what would it be?

“I’m not very pretty. I am too fat. How can anyone like my personality(個性)?”

These thoughts followed me as I slowly walked away from the mirror.

When I was 12, I struggled with(掙扎搏鬥) my self-image(自我形象).

Every day I stared into(盯著) the mirror hoping to see a beautiful girl.

But sadly, in my eyes, I saw an ugly, fat girl instead(相反地).

For the next few years, I was consumed with(受折磨、受吞噬) my appearance(外貌).

It had all started(一切都是從開始) when someone told me that I was fat.

It was a lie, but I believed it.

It took years for me to realized(了解) that I am beautiful inside and out, and one-of-a-kind(獨一無二).

Jesus, God’s son, helped me to do that.

I have come to understand(終於了解) that I am valuable and precious(珍貴的), just like a princess.

Unfortunately, my story is pretty common.

Many people have had a similar experience(類似的經驗).

It takes only one lie(只需要一個謊言) to transform(轉變) the way that a person sees himself or herself(對自己的觀感).


Sept 13th

The problem

For this reason, many people struggle with(搏鬥) their self-image.

One study reports that(一項研究報導說…) up to(高達) 70 percent of 6- to 12-year-olds think they are too fat.

Research shows that(研究指出…) girls are more afraid of getting fat than of getting cancer.

Media influence

Television and peer pressure(同儕壓力) influence(影響) the way young people see themselves.

TV, movies and magazines show what the “perfect” body should look like.

Many times when people, especially girls, see these images, they feel bad about themselves(自慚形穢).

Instead of looking at a media image(媒體圖片或影像) and feeling bad, develop(發展) a healthy view(健康的觀點) of yourself.

Building a positive self-image

# Write down all your positive qualities(正面的特質).

# Stop comparing yourself to other people.

# Focus on the areas in your life that you are good at(擅長於…).

# Be positive about yourself and your abilities.

# Remember, you are unique(獨一無二的).

# Look for ways to encourage(鼓勵) other people.

No matter what(無論…) people say, remember, you are perfect just the way that you are(原本的自己).



Struggle with something

字典上用掙扎來解釋Struggle,這樣就太小看這個字,如果僅僅是掙扎,一般用StrugglingHe was a struggling artist.(他是個掙扎中的藝術家),如果Struggle搭配介係詞,不僅僅是掙扎,而且是奮鬥」、「對抗」甚至搏鬥,企圖突破現狀:The poor artist was struggling for survival. (這名藝術家為生存奮鬥),所以書上講的,很多人Struggle with their self-image,所以才會有這麼多人去減肥、健身、買保養品….,這些行為都是Struggle,不僅僅是內心的掙扎

下圖:Rocky and Drago are struggling for championship.



Be consumed with something

動詞Consume,消耗,揮霍,如果變成被動式Be consumed with something,這是一個比較文學的片語,打個比方,當妳剛被男朋友甩掉,這種傷心的Felling會吞噬妳的大腦,無法再想其他事情,常常會做傻事,大概就是這種被吞噬感覺


Feel bad for/about something

字面上事對感覺很不好,實際上代表的意思有兩種:1) 覺得羞恥(feel ashamed), 2) 覺得難過或覺得同情(feel sorry),比方I feel bad for you – you studied hard and failed the exam. 這句話完全沒有感覺不好的意思心情不好的意思


Round 3 聽力閱讀】

Sept 12th

Sept 13th



It had all started from looking in a mirror.

2) 對你的長相我感到很難過(bad)

I feel bad about your appearance.

3) 你沒必要跟鏡子裡的你搏鬥(struggle)

You don’t need to struggle with the one in the mirror.

4) 我說喜歡你原來的樣子是為了安慰你(way, kind)

I was just being kind saying that I like you just the way you are.

5) 這種想法吞噬了我(consume)

I was consumed with this idea.

6) 我終於明白,其實我喜歡的是你的錢(come to understand)

I have come to understand that what I like is your money.


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