Pulling the String on Yo-Yo Weight Gain
By Steve Mirsky on March 18, 2017
“We focus on what is called recurrent obesity(多次重複肥胖) or yo-yo obesity(溜溜球肥胖), which is a feature which affects close to 80 percent of all overweight individuals worldwide.”
Eran Elinav of the Weitzmann Institute of Science in Israel.
“This is the phenomenon in which we gain weight and then we go on a successful diet, but within 12 months we go back to our original weight. And we even gain more weight from cycle to cycle. So this is called recurrent obesity.”
「我們專門研究所謂的多次重複肥胖(recurrent obesity)或稱作溜溜球肥胖(yo-yo obesity),這現象影響百分之八十過重的人。」
來自以色列魏茨曼科學研究所的Eran Elinav說道:
But Elinav may have taken a step toward getting a handle on that frustrating post-diet pound packing(快速增肥, 源自片語 pack on the pounds) that leaves people heavier than when they started. He spoke February 17th at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Boston.
但如果是Elinav減肥,他可能會進一步採取行動(taken a step toward ),控制住(getting a handle on )這種減肥後(post-diet)體重又更重的暴肥(pound packing),他在二月十七日波士頓美國科學促進會年會上發表演說。
“We developed a few models in mice, which feature(表現出某特點) this exact pattern of recurrent exaggerated(誇張的=crazy) obesity.. following cycles of obesity and successful dieting. And what we found was that the one important determinant(決定因素) which drives this exaggerated weight regain(恢復、重獲) tendency is a persistent(持續的) alteration (變化過程) of the composition and function of our gut microbiome(腸內微生物) following a successful dieting(節食). In other words, we diet and we normalize(正常化) all of our metabolic parameters after we successfully diet…”
「我們發明一套針對老鼠的實驗模型,就像是(feature)我們誇張的(exaggerated)重複肥胖,長胖了又減肥成功,如此循環。結果我們發現,驅動這種誇張復胖的傾向的重要決定因素(determinant)是,我們腸內的微生物(gut microbiome)在每次成功節食之後,它們在組成和功能上持續(persistent)改變(alteration)。換句話講,我們節食,我們又恢復飲食,又把全部的代謝因子恢復原來正常的樣子。」
But we still can maintain the microbial profile - and function - that we had before losing the weight. So Elinav’s team did a detailed analysis of the biochemistry(生化) going on within the mice.
“And we came across(意外發現) two molecules in mice which are from the flavonoid(黃酮類) family. And basically these molecules signal to (發信號給…) the host(宿主) adipose tissue(動物脂肪組織) telling it to extract(提取) more heat(熱量) and to gain(獲得) less fat.”
The molecules, called apigenin(芹菜素) and naringenin(柚皮素), get degraded(被分解) in the presence of the obesity-related microbiome.
但是,減肥成功前的微生物群(microbial profile )和功能仍然可以保住,所以Elinav的團隊對老鼠體內進行更細部的生化(biochemistry)分析。
「我們意外發現(came across)老鼠體內有兩種來自黃酮家族的分子,基本上,這兩種分子會打信號給它們的脂肪組織(adipose tissue),要脂肪組織提取(extract)更多的熱量,並且少吸收點脂肪。」
“And when they are low, the fat doesn’t get this signal and then weight regain occurs. So in this particular case the intervention which we’ve used is to replenish(補充、斟滿) these two missing or these two degraded molecules through administration(提供、配給) in food and their drinking water. And when we brought them back to physiological (生理上的) levels we completely abolished(廢止) this tendency for an exaggerated weight regain.
“Now extrapolating to(對…做出推論) humans, if this is true in humans and we would discover these or maybe other molecules which are depleted or in excess(過量)…an intervention which would supplement (補充) them or block their downstream(向下的) signaling would potentially be helpful in this regard(就這點而言).”
現在我們對人類進行推論(extrapolating to),如果對人類也是如此,而且我們可以找到這兩種或者其他的耗盡(depleted)或者過量(in excess)的分子,然後進行干涉(治療),補充(supplement )或者阻止他們繼續往下(downstream)傳達信息,就這點而言(in this regard),很可能(對防止復胖)有幫助。