#一頁書英文閱讀 Vanity Card #184

The Big Bang Theory 1-2 The Big Bran Hypothesis



【劇情提要 中英對照】

When Sheldon and Leonard drop off a box of flat pack furniture that came for Penny, Sheldon is deeply disturbed when he sees how messy and disorganizedher apartment is.

SheldonLeonard幫忙搬送(drop off)Penny訂的一套平裝DIY家具(flat pack furniture)Sheldon見到Penny的家亂七八糟(messy)毫無次序(disorganized),心裡感覺極度的不安(deeply disturbed)


Later that night, while Penny sleeps, Sheldon, extremely obsessive-compulsive and unable to sleep, sneaks into her apartment to clean and organize it; Leonard catches him, but reluctantly helps him clean.

當天晚上,Penny上床睡覺之後,患有極端強迫症的(obsessive-compulsive)Sheldon無法入眠,於是偷偷溜進(sneak into)她家幫忙打掃和整理;SheldonLeonard當場逮到,但Leonard還是心不甘情不願的(reluctantly)幫忙清理。


The next morning, Penny realizes that they had been in her apartment and becomes furious.



Sheldon tries apologizing to Penny but fails after remarking that Leonard is a "gentle and thorough lover".



Later, Penny encounters Raj in the hallway. Although Raj cannot talk to Penny, she calms down talking about the problem to him and hugs him, reasoning with herself that the guys were just trying to help her.

後來Penny在門口走廊(hallway)遇見(encounter)Raj,雖然RajPenny面前說不出話,她冷靜下來和Rja談論Rja的問題(在女生面前變啞巴),然後擁抱RajPenny勸說自己(reason with herself),這些男人不過是想幫助她而已。



Leonard then apologizes, prompting Penny to hug him and forgive him.




Vanity Card #184原文分段】

Don't fall for a woman who has had sex with one of your rock n'roll heroes. No matter how emotionally evolved you think you are, you will never enjoy listening to Eric Clapton again.


Don't lurk around web sites where people comment about your work unless you're drunk.


Don't use emoticons. You're too old to communicate like a twelve-year old girl.


Don't forget that you are the product of a culture that went stark raving mad about ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly.


Don't answer TV critics questions about the state of TV comedy. It's a trap.


Don't eat anything bigger than your head. True in the sixties, true today.


Don't believe that crap that you're as young as you feel. Your feelings lie.


Don't hug men while shaking their hand. Enough already with that. The shake/hug (shug?) is probably something Roman guys did when their empire was in decline.



Don't fall for a woman(愛上某人、被女人騙) who has had sex(上床) with one of your rock n'roll heroes(搖滾偶像). No matter how emotionally evolved(情感的付出) you think you are, you will never enjoy listening to Eric Clapton again.

* Eric Clapton曾以Tears In Heaven一曲轟動世界,追憶他死去的兒子



Don't lurk around(潛伏) web sites where people comment about(評論) your work unless you're drunk.


Don't use emoticons. You're too old to communicate like a twelve-year old girl.


Don't forget that you are the product of a culture(文明產物) that went stark raving mad about(徹底瘋狂失去理智) ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly.

Go mad about…


* 對美國人來說,Go mad多指發怒,介係詞一般用Go mad with

* 對英國人來說,Go mad多指發狂,但是Go mad with也是發怒

* 在這裡,Chuck應該說是最一萬年前的東西狂熱,因為用Go mad about


Stark Raving Mad

【詞組】【英國】徹底發瘋( = completely crazy)

* 比方Stark Naked, 全裸,這個字眼偏英國,美國用Buck Naked,懷疑製作人Chuck Lorre是英國迷


【副詞】【英國】徹徹底底的( = Completely)



Don't answer TV critics questions(電視評論家的問題) about the state of TV comedy(電視喜劇的狀況). It's a trap.


Don't eat anything bigger than your head.(不要自不量力) True in the sixties, true today.


Don't believe that crap(廢話) that you're as young as you feel. Your feelings lie.(感覺會騙人的)


Don't hug men while shaking their hand. Enough already with that. The shake/hug (shug做愛兼擁抱?) is probably something Roman guys did when their empire was in decline(衰敗中).


【俚語】上床兼擁抱(Shag and Hug Sex and Hug)

* Shag是英國俚語,= Have sex,相對應的美國俚語是Bang




Don't fall for a woman who has had sex with one of your rock n'roll heroes. No matter how emotionally evolved you think you are, you will never enjoy listening to Eric Clapton again.

不要愛上(fall for)一個會跟你的搖滾偶像上床(have sex)的女人,不論你認為自己付出多深的感情,你從此不會再喜歡聽(enjoy)Eric Clapton


Don't lurk around web sites where people comment about your work unless you're drunk.

不要把自己埋伏在(lurk around)電腦網站前看別人對你作品的評論(comment),除非你喝醉。


Don't use emoticons. You're too old to communicate like a twelve-year old girl.



Don't forget that you are the product of a culture that went stark raving mad about ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly.

不要忘記,你是文明的產物,你會對著一萬年前的東西徹底發狂(go stark raving mad)。要相對應地調整自己的思維。


Don't answer TV critics questions about the state of TV comedy. It's a trap.



Don't eat anything bigger than your head. True in the sixties, true today.



Don't believe that crap that you're as young as you feel. Your feelings lie.



Don't hug men while shaking their hand. Enough already with that. The shake/hug (shug?) is probably something Roman guys did when their empire was in decline.

不要一邊跟男人擁抱一邊搖頭,我們受夠了,搖頭兼擁抱(上床兼擁抱?),這種是大概只有敗亡中(in decline)的羅馬帝國的男人才會幹的




Don't fall for a woman who has had sex with one of your rock n'roll heroes. No matter how emotionally evolved you think you are, you will never enjoy listening to Eric Clapton again. Don't lurk around web sites where people comment about your work unless you're drunk. Don't use emoticons. You're too old to communicate like a twelve-year old girl.  Don't forget that you are the product of a culture that went stark raving mad about ten thousand years ago. Adjust your thinking accordingly. Don't answer TV critics questions about the state of TV comedy. It's a trap. Don't eat anything bigger than your head. True in the sixties, true today. Don't believe that crap that you're as young as you feel. Your feelings lie. Don't hug men while shaking their hand. Enough already with that. The shake/hug (shug?) is probably something Roman guys did when their empire was in decline.



Tears In Heaven - Eric Clapton

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